- Grade A
- CppPool: C++ Basics
- Second "Piscine" of Epitech, C++ programs to learn Object-oriented programming.
CppPool: C++ Basics
Day01: Storage Classes
- white_rabbit.c : function that follow Alice’s journey.
- menger : display a fractal curve based on squares, with the size and depth given in parameters.
- bitmap : build a .bmp file.
- drawing.c : draw square in a bmp file.
- pyramid.c : return the shortest path to the pyramid’s exit.
Day02m: Pointers and Memory
- mul_div.c : calculates the sum and product of the first and second parameters with pointers.
- mem_ptr.c : concatenates str1 and str2 in parameters. The resulting string is stored in the pointer pointed by res.
- tab_to_2dtab.c : takes an array of integers as its tab parameter, and uses it to create a bidimensional array of length lines and width columns.
- func_ptr.c : build a few function pointers.
- castmania.c : understanding and mastering casts.
Day02a: C Data Structures
- simple_list.c : build a simple linked list, with main manipulation functions.
- simple_btree.h : create a set of functions that will let you manipulate a binary tree.
- generic_list.c : create a generic list.
- stack.h : create a stack based on the previously created generic list.
- queue.h : create a queue based on the previously created generic list.
- map.h : create a map based on the previously created generic list.
- tree_traversal.h : iterate over a tree in a generic way, using containers.
Day03: Advanced String Manipulation
- ex00 : create a String module, init and destructor function.
- ex01 : sets the content of the current instance to the string parameters.
- ex02 : appends a parameter to the content of the current instance and the opposite function.
- ex03 : returns the char at the pos position of the current instance, or -1 if the position is invalid.
- ex04 : empties the content of the current instance.
- ex05 : returns the size of the string, or -1 if the string pointer is NULL.
- ex06 : compares the content of the current instance to that of str. Results are the same as the strcmp function.
- ex07 : copies n characters from the current instance’s content, starting from the pos position, into s. Returns the number of characters copied.
- ex08 : returns the buffer contained in the current instance..
- ex09 : returns 1 if the string is empty, -1 otherwise.
- ex10 : searches for the first occurence of str’s content in the current instance, starting from the pos position.
- ex11 : insert : copies str into the current instance, at the pos position.
- ex12 : returns the content of the current instance converted into an int. Behaves like the atoi(3) function.
- ex13 : returns an array of strings filled with the content of the current instance split using the separator delimiter.
- ex14 : displays the content of the current instance to the standard output.
Day06: IOStream, String and Objects
- my_cat.cpp : write a simplified cat(1) command.
- my_convert_temp.cpp : convert temperatures from the Celsius scale to the Fahrenheit scale, and vice-versa.
- sickkoala.cpp : simulation of your dear Koalas’ health, with the creation of a koala class.
- koalanurse.cpp : create the koalanurse class.
- koaladoctor.cpp : create a doctor class to give instructions to the nurses.
- ex05 : create lists for the classes created before.
Day07m: Creation of Starfleet, Polymorphism, Namespaces
- Federation.cpp : create a Federation namespace, which will contain all the elements that allow the Federation to exist.
- Borg.cpp : create a Borg namespace containing a Ship class.
- Destination.hh : Destination is an enumeration defined in the Destination.hh file.
Day07a: Skat, new, delete and Smart Pointers
- skat.cpp : inplement the skat class.
Day08: Droids, Coplien form and Default delete
- droid.cpp : creation of the droid class.
- droidmemory.cpp : add experienceacquired, and FingerPrint,theDroidMemory’sid,storedasasize_t.
Day09: Inheritance
- character.c : create a simple Character class, getLvl(), getPv(), getPower().
- warrior.cpp : create a warrior class.
- ex02 : create Mage, Priest class.
- ex03 : add Paladin class.
- ex04 : add Hunter class.
Day10: Override and final
- ex00 : Sorcerer, Peon, Victim classes.
- ex01 : Weapons classes.
- ex03 : omplete the definition of the following AMateria class, and implement the necessary member functions.
Day13: Encapsulation, Canonical form, Operators and Nested Classes
- ex00 : Picture and Toy class.
- ex01 : re-use the two classes from the previous exercise and make them comply with the canonical form.
- ex02 : add two values to the ToyType enumeration: BUZZ and WOODY, and create two new Buzz and Woody classes.
- ex03 : add a speak method to the Toy class, taking the statement to say as a parameter.
- ex04 : add operators to classes.
- ex05 : add a speak_es method to the Toy class, with the same signature as speak.
Day14m: Casting Spells
- ex00 : implement the Fruit, Lemon and Banana classes.
- ex01 : Sorting the FruitBoxes will be done by hand. It will be done by a LittleHand. Implement the LittleHand class.
Day14a: Errors, Units Tests
- ex00 : implement the error reporting system.
- ex01 : unit tests.
- ex02 : implement a CommunicationDevice : use the CommunicationAPI and handle all its errors.
- ex03 : design a generic class to ensure the release of dynamically allocated compo- nents of the rover.
- ex04 : Our ScopedPtr is nice, but we can’t copy it. Let’s implement a RefPtr that can be stored, copied, and still takes care of deleting the object!
Day15: Templates
- ex00 : create templates that should generate functions that can be called with any type of parameter, as long as they have the same type and support all comparison operators.
- ex01 : write the compare function template. It takes two parameters of the same type, and returns an int.
- ex02 : several function that returns min.
- ex03 : implement the foreach function template. It will let you walk over an array and call a function for each element in it.
- ex04 : write the equal function template that takes as parameters two constant references to a given type. It must return true if the two parameters are equal, and false otherwise.
- ex05 : write an array class template that contains elements of type T.
Day16: The StandarT Library
- ex00 : create a Parser class.
- ex01 : create a DomesticKoala class which will represent a Koala that can learn to do things. Everything a Koala can do will be a KoalaAction member function.
- ex02 : create an event handler using an std::list. This event handler will let you schedule actions at a T time, know the action scheduled at a given time, add T time units to the current time, and many other things.
Day17: Algorithms
- ex00 : create a do_find function template taking 2 parameters: reference to a templated type and an integer.
- ex01 : fill in the blanks using the appropriate STL algorithms in MyAlgorithms.hpp.
- ex02 : create a Cesar class implementing the IEncryptionMethod interface.
- ex03 : re-use all the files from the previous exercise and write the Encryption class.