Open Source Universal React Redux GraphQL Boilerplate
This repository contains the source code for React-Starter-Kit. This documentation will cover the installation on your machine, project architecture, unit testing and working with the app in general.
This is a Universal React Redux GraphQL Node app.
Before proceeding, please ensure you have the following software installed on your computer.
- Node
- Yarn (optional but recommended)
- Git command line tools
- Download Git CLT - Windows: Mac:
- Download Node -
- Download Yarn CLT -
- Download VSCode -
Please fork a copy of this repository. Forking a repository allows you to freely experiment with changes without affecting the original project. Alternatively download or clone the master branch.
- Clone the repo to your machine
git clone <CloneURL>
- Within terminal or cmd ensure you have changed directory (into the new folder that has been cloned) and install the dependencies
cd <new-dir>
yarn install OR npm install
- Before we can build, run or deploy our app it is important to ensure that the 'webConfig.json' is configured for our environment. Please change 'siteURL' to point to either your local or live url.
"siteURL": "http://localhost:3000", ...
"siteURL": "", ...
- You must build the app before you can run it
yarn run build OR npm run build
- Run your build
yarn run dev OR npm run dev
This should launch the application and start running on: http://localhost:3000/
For specific versions of dependencies being used please reference the 'package.json' file within the main project directory.
Within the main project directory 'src' (source) folder, you will find the following folders:
- 'assets'
This folder contains important files that are referenced throughout the app.
- 'client'
This folder contains our source code.
Please read the information below before making any changes to this project. You can reference this to gain an understanding of our design patterns, and help you find/write new code.
- 'actions'
Any actions we create should be exported from this file. (incl async)
- common
This folder contains code that is shared. For example form inupt types or form validation.
- components
This folder contains components which are not connected to the store. For example, you can find the header & footer components here.
- endpoints
We are using the axios library to handle our requests both on the server & client.
I have created an axios instance with a 'baseURL' for our main API. This means when making a call we only need to supply the route and body of our request.
Please see the example:, body).then(response => { ...
Please note: The 'baseURL' is defined within the 'webConfig' file. If you need to make a request to a completely different api, use axios without our instance.
- Layouts
We use layout components to render our routes. Upon configuration, we can define a unique layout component for any route. This can be useful for landing pages or pages that require unique functionality.
Please note that our routes will be rendered wherever we place the following code:
- Pages
This folder is self-explanatory.
Please maintain the proper naming conventions. For example, 'namePage'.
Whilst most of our code is standard, please note the special 'loadData' function that is exported.
As you know, this is a universal application, which means that we need to configure our pages to run on both the server and client.
The 'loadData' function is used to tell the server what calls need to be complete before throwing down the initial html to the browser.
- Reducers
This folder is self-explanatory.
Please maintain the proper naming conventions. For example, 'nameReducer'.
Before we create a store, we combine our reducers. Please ensure any new reducers are imported into the main 'index' file within the directory and added to the combine reducers method/object.
- FILE: app.js
You can imagine this as the default layout of our application.
- FILE: routes.js
This file is self-explanatory.
Although we are using 'React Router 4' as this is a universal app, I am using the static router.
This is because we need to handle two types of routing as it needs to run on both the client and the server.
More information can be found:
To deploy the app, simply follow the steps:
install dependencies
run a build
start the app via the following command - 'node build/bundle.js'
We are using 'nodemailer' to handle the process of sending emails.
We have already intergrated into the project. See 'src/client/pages/contactPage.js' and the '/sendmail' route within our server file.
For more information, please reference:
Throughout the project we reference a single font family 'gt_walsheim', but have multiple font weights.
We have the following weights included within the project:
Ultra Thin: 100 Thin: 200 Light: 300 Regular: 400 Medium: 500 Bold: 700 Ultra Bold: 900
Please reference 'src/assets/fonts/fonts.css' for more.
Please ensure you copy all your images into the graphics folder. Whenever you compile the scss, webpack will prefix your path with the root domain defined within the 'webConfig' file.
To reference an image within css, please use the example below:
background-image: url('/assets/graphics/[name].[ext]');
There are a number of different methods that can be used to include graphics within our components. However once you begin using more complex routes, you might find some paths breaking.
The solution is to use absolute paths. This means that we prefix with the enviroment url. Please reference the example below:
<img src={`${webConfig.siteURL}/assets/graphics/logo.png`} />
Please note: ensure you have imported 'webConfig' before using it.
You may wish to implement a carousel within the website.
Whilst this is slightly more complex because this is a universal app, please reference the link below.
This app uses 'react-slick'. The relevant dependencies and css have already been included within the project.
We are using 'Redux-form' throughout our application. This has made it simple to apply proper validation (inclu async), two-way data binding (initialize from store), and write cleaner, more reusable code (pre-defined input types & validation etc..).
- input-type
We are currently exporting constants for the following field types:
- Textfield
- Textarea
Please ensure you export new constants from this file if you require any new field types. It is important to be aware that the styles for these inputs can be found within 'src/assets/scss/base/_forms.scss' and that each have multiple variations in terms of both functionality and design determined by the presence of additional classes.
Be careful when manipulating the mark-up of these constants, as these field types are used throughout the application.
These input types can be utilized by passing the relevant const through as a prop to each 'Field' element as a 'component' within 'Redux-form'.
We are using SCSS (CSS pre-processor/bracketed version of SASS) to enable us to write cleaner and more reusable css code.
Our main 'styles.scss' is compiled upon each save, once the project has been started from your terminal/cmd. Whilst the resulting 'styles.css' is the only 'css' called from within the project, the 'scss' version simply contains imports to the partial files created within folders.
In order to ensure the integrity of the project and long-term maintainability, please conform the following rules:
- Media queries should be written/maintained within the relevant 'partial' file.
- REM CSS measurement units:
We are using rem's to style our app. Whilst you should not use any other measurement unit, it is correct to use ‘px’ for certain properties. For example, you should still use 'px' for setting a border or the width of a media query to ensure more accurate break points.
The root font size is set to '10px'. This means the calculation required to implement rem’s is simple: (target font size / 10 OR 18 / 10 = 1.8rem).
- 'config.js'
Please utilize our configuration partial file wherever possible. This contains global variables for generic/brand colours, keyframes, mixins and more! For consistency please reference these instead of redefining where possible (or add to this file).
We are using a 12 Column Grid that works as follows:
The grid has 12 columns
Each columns width is a % value that can be calculated using the following:
Target Columns (Example '6')
Minus Number of Total Columns (12)
Times 100 = 50%
Example HTML mark-up for a 2-column layout:
<div class="grid">
<div class="column column_6_12">
<div class="column column_6_12">
Each column has a ‘20px’ gutter/ Each column has 10px padding on either side.
The grid should not be used within areas that require custom mark-up (such as your header/footer) to avoid having to override default styling. This will ensure the integrity of the code. Please DO NOT apply any styling to the grid directly. These should be global classes which are not overridden (ensures you will not break styling in other places).
To centre your content, simply apply a 'max-width' to the parent wrapper '.grid'. You can either set this globally within the '_responsive-grid' partial file or target it specifically via a custom parent class.