Training / JavaScript
[Javascript I]( Javascript Variables.pdf) Introduction Javascriptpdf
[Javascript II]( Javascript DOM.pdf) DOM is important‼️ pdf
[Javascript III]( HTML5 JS Canvas - partie 1.pdf) Draw in code 🎨pdf
[Javascript IV]( Javascript JQuery Consolidation.pdf) Consult after exercises 🔜pdf
[Javascript Ajax]( JS Ajax Introduction.pdf) PHP & JS for ajax!
Short ressources to engage your training
- Javascript Basics Starting on Javascript
- Javascript Basics II Starting on Javascript
- Javascript Basics III Starting on Javascript
- Javascript Basics IV Starting on Javascript
- Javascript Basics V Starting on Javascript
Exercices given without automated validation, with just a short explanation
- Recall One way to see if you are comfortable with the JS. 📼
- Cookie Clicker We just sell cookies to earn more cookies! 🍪
- Jeu des Paires Challenge Javascript suite à l'initiation aux objets HTML
TDD exercices validated by Travis CI (cool for algorithms teaching), was imported from
- 🏆 Challenges It will maybe hurt a bit, but for your good! 🌵
Long project activity, without tutorial, but some functional specifications, to engage students autonomy
Currated list of external ressources
- Codecademy 🇫🇷 🇬🇧
- Learn X in Y minutes 🇫🇷 🇬🇧
- OpenClassrooms - Apprenez à coder avec JavaScript 🇫🇷
- Apprendre Javascript : le JS à Simplon — Rodolphe 🇫🇷
- Speaking JavaScript: An In-Depth Guide for Programmers 🇬🇧
- Eloquent JavaScript 🇬🇧
- JavaScript Garden 🇬🇧
- JavaScript The Right Way 🇬🇧
- JavaScript is Sexy 🇬🇧
- Grafikart - Formation JS 🇫🇷
- Learn JS 🇬🇧
- Kahn academy 🇫🇷 🇬🇧
- JavaScript Promo 4 🇫🇷
- JavaScript - Algo (partie 1) (Simplonline) 🇫🇷
- JavaScript 🇬🇧
- A re-introduction to JavaScript 🇬🇧
- Using the W3C DOM Level 1 Core 🇬🇧
- getElementById 🇫🇷
- innertHTML 🇫🇷
- Utiliser les objets 🇫🇷
- Mots réservés 🇫🇷
- Cours sur le framework AngularJS
- Cours sur la bibliothèque Underscore.js
- Modifier la clé d’une propriété d’un objet JS
- Cours sur jQuery : histoire et usage
- Exercices de JS des cours de soutien
- Cours sur JavaScript
- Exercices Frontend (html, css, js)
Please read the Contribution guide first!
Do you want to add a resource? correct a mistake? Or do you need a new exercise or project to cover a topic? Do not hesitate to write an issue!
To be continued..