The purpose of multisig wallets is to increase security by requiring multiple parties to agree on transactions before execution. Transactions can be executed only when confirmed by a predefined number of owners. A web user interface can be found here.
- Can hold Ether and all kind of tokens with multisig support
- Easy to use offline signing (cold wallet) support
- Integration with web3 wallets (Metamask, Mist, Parity, etc)
- Transaction data and log decoding, makes transactions more readable
- Interacting with any contracts with UI support
- Hardware wallet support (Ledger Wallet)
- Optional email notifications when an event is triggered or you are required to sign a transaction
The following people have reviewed the code at the time of the linked commit:
- Stefan George (Georgi87): b9405cc30de4615e325b1d46c71cdef670bdeadc
- Aragon
- Bancor
- Brace
- District0x
- Golem
- MysteriumNetwork
- Weifund
- StabL
git clone
cd MultiSigWallet
npm install
npm test
npm run test-dapp
truffle migrate <account1,account2,...,accountN> <requiredConfirmations>
truffle migrate <account1,account2,...,accountN> <requiredConfirmations> <dailyLimit>
This implementation does not allow the creation of smart contracts via multisignature transactions. Transactions to address 0 cannot be done. Any other transaction can be done.
All contracts are WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.