Sudoku game and solver made using SDL2 library and backtracking for the sudoku generator/solver part.
Start by cloning the repository
git clone
Download the executable from the release tab and put it inside the /bin folder, next to the required dlls. If you want to compile it yourself I suggest using the CMake scripts inside the /cmake folder along with the CMakeLists example. After all that you can run the executable
1-9 - set value
RCTRL - clear value
RSHIFT - resets the board and generates a new one
RALT - solves the sudoku
In order to generate/solve the sudoku a backtracking algorithm is used. The algorithm goes through every single possible candidate to the solution and checks whether it leads to a valid solution or not. If it doesn't, then it gets eliminated and the algorithm goes back and checks the rest of the candidates. After generating a valid sudoku board, a random number of values is removed from it.