A simple calculator written in C++
Currently (2017/06/06) supported are bracket terms, custom functions and custom operators.
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Parser.h"
int main()
// Parser::Number is the data type which is used for calculations internally
// (long double atm)
// add custom operators
// first argument takes the character representation of the operator (only single char operators are supported)
// the second parameter is priority of the operator (higher priorities will be executed sooner)
// the third argument takes a function with the signature
// Parser::Number(const Expression &, const Expression &)
// OP is a macro for this, the first two parameters being the names of the parameters and the third one
// being an expression which should directly return the value
// (see Expression.h for implementation)
Expression::AddOperator('+', 1, OP(e1, e2, e1 + e2));
Expression::AddOperator('*', 2, OP(e1, e2, e1 * e2));
// add custom function
// first argument takes the string representation of the operator (only alpha numerical names are supported)
// the second argument takes a function with the signature
// Parser::Number(const Parser::Number)
// FN is a macro for this, the first parameter being the names of the parameter and the second one
// being an expression which should directly return the value
// (see Expression.h for implementation)
Expression::AddFunction("twice", FN(v, v * 2));
try {
// Parse max throw if the format is not valid
std::shared_ptr<Expression> expr = Parser::Parse("(twice(1)+2)*(2+3)+2+2*3");
// expected output is '(twice(1)+2)*(2+3)+2+2*3=28'
std::cout << "(twice(1)+2)*(2+3)+2+2*3=" << expr->getValue() << std::endl;
} catch (const std::string &ex) {
std::cerr << ex << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;