Zabbix template and scripts for AWS billing monitoring
- Installed jq, awscli packages
- Probably you need to increase ZBX timeout due to much time to receive the AWS reply
- Put /etc/zabbix/ scripts and ZBX config to the appropriate place
- Restart zabbix-agent
- Set up aws credentials with the appropriate rights with AWSBillingReadOnlyAccess, CloudWatchLogsReadOnlyAccess policies for scripts - run aws configure under zabbix user.
- check with the following command:
zabbix_agentd -t
- Import zbx_aws_billing_export_templates.xml to ZBX server and assign it to the host
- Wait at least some days and tune zabbix Macro for the template/host accordingly your levels.
- Do not change zabbix interval for items - Actually it updates once in a 4 hours.
- There is no zero-counted (not used) AWS services.
- Use host screen
It have been tested on CentOS 7.