- Showing recipes for you to cook!
- This Android app does look recipes from this "API", .json file.
This project is for Android Developer Nanodegree program I'm participating. It is not trying to be nicest looking app, as it was done just for the learning purposes.
- ExoPlayer to play video files
- Retrofit +Gson Converter to make API requests and converting response to objects
- Butter Knife injecting fields and get rid of multiple findViewById
- Espresso to test UI
- Picasso to download images
- TinyDB - Got the idea of storing the ingredients to SharedPreferences for the widget
- CountingIdlingResource - Looked this tutorial to learn how to make Retrofit working with espresso's UI test
- RoboPOJOGenerator - Used this tool to generate the start of POJOS
- Add the widget to your phone's desktop
- Click the the "No recipe selected" to open the app
- Now choose the recipe
- After choosing of recipe, you are shown a notification. If you like, you can press the "Look!" and app minimizes itself. Otherwise, you can just continue to scroll other recipes.