A small webapp for logging and graphing activity down the gym.
Demonstrates usage of:
- Docker for a unified developement environment and easy pushing to production
- React - using hooks
- Linaria for CSS
- Relay for graphql embeded in React
- Webpack and babel for minification and transpilation
- Express and graphql-js for a graphql api
- Mongoose for a mongodb
- Jest - with react-testing-library - for testing on fronted and back
- Eslint for linting
Clone into a folder. Copy example.env
into .env
and edit .env
to add unique db passwords and ensure that the ports the app runs on are available. Copy example.mong-init.js
into mong-init.js
and add the same passwords as entered into .env
Run docker-compose build
followed by docker-compose up
To install new packages: Run the docker with docker-compose run --rm client sh
or docker-compose run --rm api sh
and then use npm install <package_name>
. Type exit
to return to your command line and then rebuild and rerun - only this time add a -V switch... docker-compose up -V
. This will force the deletion of the anonymous node_package volume and prevent a docker race condition issue.
Graphql schema changes are developed on the api. They then need copying to the client and compiling:
- A service that watches for graphql schema changes on the server and copies them to the local schema
docker-compose run --rm client npm run getschema
- A service that compiles react-graphql schema code into graphql for hot reloading.
docker-compose run --rm client npm run relay
There is a seperate test runner for both client and api
- The test runner.
docker-compose run --rm client npm run test
- The test runner.
docker-compose run --rm api npm run test
There is a seperate linting process for both client and api
- The test runner.
docker-compose run --rm client npm run lint
- The test runner.
docker-compose run --rm api npm run lint