Don't use Leiningen 1. Use Leiningen 2.
- Install Leiningen 2.0 or later.
- Install the
plugin by updating your~/.lein/profiles.clj
:user {:plugins [[joodo/lein-joodo "1.2.0"]]}
- Try it out!
$ lein joodo help
If all goes well you should see a helpful message printed in your console.
- Joodo will create a boiler plate project structure for you.
$ [lein] joodo new my_new_project
- Download/Install all the dependencies.
$ cd my_new_project
$ lein deps
- Start the development server with the following if you're using a joodo version below 2.0.0:
$ lein joodo server
When you are using a version of 2.0.0 or higher use the following command:
$ lein ring server
Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Micah Martin All Rights Reserved.
Distributed under The MIT License.