Let's imagine that a group of probes were sent by NASA to Mars and will land on a plateau. In this plateau, which is curiosly rectangular, must be explored by the probe throughly, so a full picture of the area and send them back to Earth. The probe position and direction are represented by a array X-Y and a letter representing the cardinal point from the compass card. The plateau is divided in an array to simplify navigating it. An example of a position would be (0,0,N) which tells us that the probe is on the on the lower left corner pointed to North. To control it, NASA send a simple sequence of letters, which represents:
- L = Turn left
- R = Turn right
- M = Move forward In this array, the North is represented by (x,y+1).
The first line to be inserted is the coordinates for the upper right corner from the plateau array The next lines are the starting coordinates from a probe, and the movements that it is required. The output is represented by one line with the coordinates and direction of the probe.
5 5
1 2 N
3 3 E
1 3 N
5 1 E
This software is product of an technical evaluation process.