If you know MBOF, you don't need to know anything else.
- Install Vagrant - https://www.vagrantup.com/
- Start Vagrant
cd hacks_mbof
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
- Install Bower packages
cd /vagrant/mbofui
bower install
- Initialize and start app server
cd /vagrant
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py loaddata mbof/fixtures/dev_data.json
python manage.py runserver
- Browse to...
- Testing UI:
- Root (AKA BoF list): http://localhost:18000/
- BoF list: http://localhost:18000/mbof/
- BoF detail: http://localhost:18000/mbof/1/
- Root: http://localhost:18000/api/
- Messages: http://localhost:18000/api/messages/
- Users: http://localhost:18000/api/users/
- DB admin: http://localhost:18000/admin/
- Testing UI:
This is the procedure to add dummy data to the fixture files.
- Connect to the database in the Vagrant VM. (If MySQL DB is used, this can be done from your host system via the port defined in the Vagrant file.)
- Delete all tables.
- Run the migrations to recreate the tables:
python manage.py migrate
- Run the loaddata command to load existing fixtures:
python manage.py loaddata mbof/fixtures/dev_data.json
- Make changes to the database needed to exercise application features.
- Save the changes to a fixture file:
python manage.py dumpdata --indent 4 mbof > mbof/fixtures/dev_data.json
- Commit the changes to the updated fixture file.