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Fortran 90 code to calculate horizontal flows at the top of the core that optimize the rate-of-change of given geomagnetic quantities


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Table of Content

  1. Overview
  2. Instantaneous optimal flow calculation with inst_opt_bound
  1. Flow visualisation with plot_flow.ipynb
  2. Details of the algorithm and structure of the code
  3. References


This repository contains the Fortran code inst_opt_bound, to calculate horizontal flows at the Core-Mantle Boundary (CMB) that optimise the rate-of-change of a geomagnetic quantity (such as the dipole tilt and the inclination at a specific location at the Earth's surface). Based on the algorithm developed by Livermore et al. (2014) and Maffei et al. (2021).

Also included in the Python27 folder is a jupyter Notebook (plot_flow.ipynb) to create a sample global map plotting the resulting optimal flow on top of the background magnetic field.

In the models/ folder are included three background magnetic model files:

  • CHAOS-6-x9_core_2019.0007.dat the CHAOS-6-x9 geomagnetic field model ( ) for the beginning of 2019
  • MODEL.dat a dipole field with weak horizontal components. These small components are needed to stabilise the calculation for optimal rate-of-change of VGP latitude and dipole tilt when LMAX_B_OBS=1 (see below for details)
  • axial_dipole.dat a purely axial dipole field

Stefano maffei:
Philip W. Livermore:

Instantaneous optimal flow calculation with inst_opt_bound

Compiling the code

Compilation of the optimisation code inst_opt_bound.F90 has the following requirements:

  • a Fortran compiler like gfortran
  • having the fftw3 library installed on your system

The repository contains two Makefiles ready to use:

  • Makefile which uses gfortran version 8.2.0 and has been successfully tested on macOS High Sierra (10.13.6).

    Usage: make

    You will have to make sure that the FFLAGS and LDFLAGS in the Makefile point at the folders containing, respectively, fftw3.h and libfftw3.a.

    Note that compilation with this version of gfortran causes warnings to be displaied concerning placement of commas after WRITE commands and is due to a change in standards in gfortran that occurred during the development of the code and have not been corrected. The option -ffree-line-length-0

  • Makefile_optimisation which uses the ifort compiler and has been designed for use on a remote cluster where the fftw3 library could be loaded as a module.

    Usage: make -f Makefile_linux

Either option will create the inst_opt_bound executable in the same folder as the Makefile used (unless otherwise specified by modifying the Makefile)

Running the code

./inst_opt_bound < input_optimisation_inclination

The input file input_optimisation_inclination is provided in the repository and sets up the code to calculate the flows that optimise the rate-of-change of inclination at a location corresponding to the Sulmona basin, in Central Italy, with the background magnetic field provided by the 2019 realisation of the CHAOS 6 model (provided in the repository)

List of input parameters

   OBS_COLAT, OBS_LONG:  colatitude and longitude of the observation/optimisation 
                         location. They need to be given even when optimising global 
                         quantities (such as dipole tilt rate-of-change)
   PHI_OBS:              OBS_LONG * Pi / 180.0_8
   LMAX_U:               max spherical harmonics degree for the optimal flow
   LMAX_B_OBS:           max spherical harmonics degree for the background
                         magnetic field. If more degrees are available in FILENAME,
                         they are disregarded
   FILENAME:             full path to the file containing the Gauss coefficients
                         describing the background magnetic field
                         format: l m g_lm h_lm
   TARGET_RMS:           rms flow speed (in km/yr)
   SCALE_FACTOR:         scale factor for arrows, used to prepare a flow file (FLOW.DAT)
                         readable by GMT
                         With SCALE_FACTOR = 5e-2: 20km/yr gives 1cm (factor of 1/20 = 5e-2)
   RESTRICTION:          flow geometry restriction:
                         0: unrestricted
                         1: poloidal
                         2: toroidal
                         3: columnar (equatorially symmetric)
   ETA:                  magnetic diffusivity (in m^2/s)
   MINIM_FLAG:           based on this value, the rate-of-change of specific 
                         pre-coded quantity is optimised:
                         0: dipole tilt
                         1: magnetic field intensity at OBS location
                         2: magnetic field intensity at the intensity minimum (e.g. SAA)
                         3: declination at OBS location
                         4: axial dipole coefficient g_1^0
                         5: inclination at OBS location
                         6: g_1^1
                         7: VGP latitude

List of output files

   D_CS_CENTRED.DAT:     declination at grid locations at the CMB
   D_DOT_CS_CENTRED.DAT: declination variations (driven by the optimal solution) 
                         at grid locations at the CMB
   D_DOT_ES.DAT:         declination variations (driven by the optimal solution) 
                         at grid locations at the Earth's surface
   D_DOT_ES_CENTRED.DAT: same as D_DOT_ES.DAT, but the longitude is displayed
                         from -180 rather than 0
   D_ES.DAT:             declination at grid locations at the Earth's surface
   D_ES_CENTRED.DAT:     same as D_ES.DAT, but the longitude is displayed
                         from -180 rather than 0
   FLOW.DAT:             optimal flow (in km/yr) in a format that GMT can read. 
                         format: lon lat flow direction flow intensity
   FLOW_L_SPEC.DAT:      Kinetic Energy spectrum per spherical harmonic degree l
                         (in km/yr^2)
   FLOW_VECTORS_CENTRED.DAT: optimal flow (in km/yr) on a regular grid
                             format: lon lat u_theta u_phi
   FLOW_VECTORS_RANDOM.DAT:  optimal flow (in km/yr) on a random grid (better
                             for plotting with a quiver plot)
                             format: lon lat u_theta u_phi
   F_CS_CENTRED.DAT:     magnetic field intensity (in nT) at grid locations at the CMB
   F_DOT_CS_CENTRED.DAT: magnetic field intensity variation (driven by the 
                         optimal solution, in nT/yr) at grid locations at the CMB
   F_DOT_ES.DAT:         magnetic field intensity variation (driven by the 
                         optimal solution, in nT/yr) at grid locations at the Earth's surface
   F_DOT_ES_CENTRED.DAT: same as F_DOT_ES.DAT, but the longitude is displayed
                         from -180 rather than 0
   F_ES.DAT:             magnetic field intensity (in nT) at grid locations at the
                         Earth's surface
   F_ES_CENTRED.DAT:     same as F_ES.DAT, but the longitude is displayed
                         from -180 rather than 0
   G_POL.DAT:            elements of the G vector from the poloidal flow components
   G_TOR.DAT:            elements of the G vector from the toroidal flow components
   HARMONICS.DAT:        auxilliary file that the code uses to store spherical harmonic indexes
                         format: l m cos/sin
   OPTIMAL_FLOW.DAT:     optimal flow coefficients
                         format: l m POL(COS) POL(SIN) TOR(COS) TOR(SIN)
   OPTIMISED_QUANTITY_DOT.DAT: optimal rate of change of the quantity selected with MINIM_FLAG

Flow visualisation with plot_flow.ipynb

After the optimal flows have been calculated successfully (.DAT files are present in the main directory), simply run the jupyter Notebook plot_flow.ipynb.

This Notebook has been written in Jupyter Notebook 4.4.1, with Python 2.7.11 installed via Anaconda version 1.9.12 (conda 4.8.3) and runs successfully on macOS High Sierra (10.13.6). Jupyter Notebook might require to downgrade the package tornado to version 4.5.3.

Other requirements:

  • numpy version 1.15.4
  • sys
  • matplotlib version 2.2.5
  • Basemap version 1.3.0

The Basemap package is not maintained anymore and upgrade to Python 3 might require the use of cartopy instead.

Details of the algorithm and structure of the code

The Fortran code implements the optimisation algorithm first presented in Livermore et al. (2014) and expanded in Maffei et al. (in prep) and details can be found therein.

The code finds the spherical harmonics coefficients q of the toroidal and poloidal horizontal components of the flow uH at the Core-Mantle Boundary that optimise the rate of change of a given quantity A (selected via MINIM_FLAG) that can be defined as a function of the Gauss coefficients and their time derivatives. The formula that is implemented is:

where G is a vector relating the rate-of-change of A to the flow coefficients q via

and the elements of G are a function of the Gauss coefficients of the background magnetic field; E is a diagonal matrix with elements and is a Lagrange multiplier that ensures that the rms of the optimal flow is TARGET_RMS.

The flow coefficients are saved in the output file OPTIMAL_FLOW.DAT and define the horizontal flow via the formula

where , for which q is a shorthand notation, are the toroidal (t) and poloidal (s) coefficients for the cosine and sine spherical harmonic component of degree l and order m. See Livermore et al. (2014) and Maffei et al. (in prep) for more mathematical detail and explanation on the symbols. Furthermore, the jupyter Notebook plot_flow.ipynb converts flow and Gauss coefficients to flow and magnetic field in physical space for visualisation purposes.

The optimal rate-of-change of A driven by the optimal flow calculated as above is stored in OPTIMISED_QUANTITY_DOT.DAT.

The code in inst_opt_bound.F90 prompts the user for the input parameter (see above) and passes them to optimisation_bound.F90, where the calculation of the coefficients q actually takes place.

The functions defined in subs.F90 handle the spherical harmonics transforms (via fftw3 and Legendre transforms) for the flow and magnetic field components (and their time derivatives).

Also in subs.F90 is defined

  • the precision of the calculation, via the LONG_REAL and the EXTRA_LONG_REAL variables. To increase the resolution of the final result, change the value of EXTRA_LONG_REAL. LONG_REAL=8 and EXTRA_LONG_REAL=8 should suffice for most calculations, though we find that the VGP latitude (MINIM_FLAG = 7) requires EXTRA_LONG_REAL=16
  • GMT geographical grid resolution for *CENTRED.DAT output files, NTHETA_GRID_CONTOUR_GMT = 100, NPHI_GRID_CONTOUR_GMT = 200
  • the grid spacing for arrows in FLOW_VECTORS_CENTRED.DAT, GMT_THETA = 30, GMT_PHI = 30
  • the number of random points in FLOW_VECTORS_RANDOM.DAT, NUMBER_RANDOM_START_PTS = 1000
  • the CMB and Earth's surface radii: CMB_RADIUS = 3485.0E3_8, ES_RADIUS = 6371.0E3_8


Livermore, Philip W., Alexandre Fournier, and Yves Gallet. "Core-flow constraints on extreme archeomagnetic intensity changes." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 387 (2014): 145-156.

Maffei, Stefano, Philip W. Livermore, Jon E. Mound, Sam Greenwood, and Chris J. Davies. "Fast directional changes during geomagnetic reversals: global reversals or local fluctations?". Geosciences 11, no. 8 (2021): 318.


Fortran 90 code to calculate horizontal flows at the top of the core that optimize the rate-of-change of given geomagnetic quantities








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