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SmartBuf is a cross-language serialization and deserialization framework, and it has high performance and compression ratio like protobuf, high compatibility and scalability like json.


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smartbuf is a cross-language serialization and deserialization framework, which has high performance and compression ratio like protobuf, and has high compatibility and scalability like json.

Like json, encoded-data generated by smartbuf still keeps the schema infomation, without any pre-defined IDL, receiver could decode it directly. This feature makes smartbuf have better scalability, compatibility and universality.

In order to improve the efficiency of compression and transmission, smartbuf uses Partition Serialization strategy. It will split object into multiple different parts, and use different method to encode them. About the details, please refer to the following Partition Serialization section.

Because of the well-designed Partition Serialization strategy, smartbuf provides higher compression ratio and performance. In my benchmarks, it even could be better than protobuf. For more details, please refer to the following Benchmark section.

smartbuf also provides two different modes named packet and stream for different scenes. For more details, please refer to the following Usage section.

Partition Serialization

In the design concept of smartbuf, objects are consists of the following three parts:

  • property: it's the underlying property of object's fields, like number, float, string, etc.
  • struct: it describes object's structure, includes field-name and fields.
  • body:it represents normal object, but all property and struct are referenced from previous two parts.

For this concept, smartbuf creates Partition Serialization strategy. That is, during object encoding process, different parts will be encoded into independent partitions, thereby forming multiple compact partitions, and each partition is associated by unique ID to complete the assembly of objects.

property Partition

Property Partition is responsible for storing standard and common values, like const, float, double, varint, string, symbol, etc.

It also allocate unique ID for those values, in other partitions, only need 1~2 bytes to reference those values.

In the real world, some properties could be repeated in objects, especially for array or collection. In this case, if use json and protobuf, the repeated data will be re-serialized again and again. But for smartbuf, thanks to the partition design, it's unnecessary at all, which could significantly improves space utilization.

struct Partition

In the design of smartbuf, struct represents a field-name-list, it doesn't care every field's data type.

Struct Partition contains two parts: field-name pool and struct pool, the former is similar with string[], the latter is similar with int[][],which means int[] could represents an struct, and each int represents the reference to a field name.

This design has two advantages:

  • Field Name Reusing: While encoding, different objects could reuse same field names, especially for common name like name, id, timestamp, url, etc.
  • Context Reusing:Could easily cache and reuse the global struct partition.

In fact, smartbuf will keep two struct pools inside, namely temporary and context. the former used to describe some temporary object like Map, and the latter used to describe some reusable object like POJO.

This is also the biggest difference between the packet and stream modes mentioned earlier. For packet mode, the context concept is disabled, it will treat all objects as temporary types.

Data Partition

Data Partition is mainly the body.

As mentioned above, the object's property and struct have been extracted into seperate partitions. Therefore, body could use very small space to reference property and struct, thus assembling into a complete object.

The above rules are mainly for ordinary object, and for array there has a special set of processing rules:

  • Native Array: Native Array as one special entity, wouldn't be extracted into property.
  • Slice Array: Some complex object[] may contains different data, even null, so smartbuf will treat one array as multiple slices which has same data type.

smartbuf has a very clever algorithm for the processing of arrays, which can improve the coding space utilization.

Partition Example

For better understanding of Partition Serialization, this section demonstrates the details of the partition encoding described above with a simple object.

This is a simple User model:

message User {
    int32 id = 1;
    string name = 2;
    int64 time = 3;

For the first time to use smartbuf to encode User{id=1001, name="hello", time=10000L}, the final output bytecode is as follows:


Because the first output contains schema data of User, so it appears to be bloated.

If in stream mode to encode it again, some schema will be reused, and the final output bytecode is as follows:


In real system development, the data we transformed

As you can imagine, in actual system development, there are often many repetitive properties inside the data we transmit (especially arrays). Serializing these repeated attributes with smartbuf often requires only one extra byte.

In addition, as can be seen from this example, even for anyone who does not cache the full context schema metadata, the message can be parsed normally. Of course, due to the lack of auxiliary field information in the data body, the field names id, name, time cannot be parsed normally, and they can only be parsed into meaningless serial numbers.

This feature is very helpful for data readability and debugability. You can capture packets through the network, and directly view the encoded data message of smartbuf, which is very difficult for protobuf.


By now, smartbuf only support java language, we are working on its support for javascript, golang, etc.

You can install smartbuf by this maven dependency:


As mentioned above, smartbuf supports two modes: packet and stream, which are wrapped in SmartPacket and SmartStream respectively, the following is their usages.

SmartPacket encapsulates smartbuf support for packet mode, it's a static utility class, which could be used directly without initialization.

UserModel user = new UserModel(1001, "hello", 10000L);
byte[] bytes = SmartPacket.serialize(user); // serialize or encode
UserModel newUser = SmartPacket.deserialize(bytes, UserModel.class); // deserialize or decode
assert user.equals(newUser); 

In packet mode, smartbuf is very similar with json, encoded bytecodes contains the whole schema information. The only difference is that smartbuf has much higher performance and higher compression ratio.

The underlying encode and decode implementation of smartbuf are not thread-safe, so SmartPacket internally encapsulates a reusable instance via ThreadLocal, For more details, please refer to its source code.

SmartStream encapsulates the stream mode support for smartbuf. Before using it, you should construct a new instance manually:

final SmartStream stream = new SmartStream();
UserModel user = new UserModel(1001, "hello", 10000L);
byte[] bytes = stream.serialize(user); // serialize or encode 
UserModel newUser = stream.deserialize(bytes, UserModel.class);  // deserialize or decode
assert user.equals(newUser);

In stream mode, the context status is very important for smartbuf. The serialize will only encode schema once, and the deserialize will keep the received schema for context reusing.

Remember, SmartStream isn't thread-safe, you need to construct a seperate instance for each session context or socket connection, and ensure that each bytecode packet is processed through it orderly.

Discontinuous packet my cause context schema confusion. To avoid this situation, serialize will attach an small sequence number into stream packets, and deserialize will check the sequence's continuity as need.

Comparison of packet and stream

The packet mode has a relatively low serialization compression ratio. It needs to attach complete metadata information to each data message, which is more suitable for a contextless scenario like api request.

The stream mode has a higher serialization compression ratio. In most scenarios, it is higher than protobuf. It needs to maintain the context state at both ends of the data transmission, which is more suitable for scenarios like long-connection multiplexing.


This section is mainly for a comprehensive performance benchmark test for various data scenarios. The data magnitude includes small, medium, large, and the comparison tests include:

  • json: The technical solution used in the test is jackson, which is also the best library for json serialization performance in the java language.
  • kryo: It only supports java, including it into the test is only for horizontal comparison.
  • msgpack: It's similar to json, but it performs poorly in actual tests and only for observational references.
  • protobuf: In the following performance test, it is an important challenge for smartbuf.

The performance test uses JMH technology, which handles warmup well, and also supports very accurate statistics of various performance indicators. The test environment is as follows:

  • JDK 1.8.0_191
  • MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2018)

The source code of this benchmark is test. You could checkout it and run it locally.

Small Object

The first object to be tested is a small User instance, which is not the actual data model used in any production environment. It is only used to demonstrate the performance of smartbuf on minimal object serialization. The specific model is as follows:

public class UserModel {
    private long    id;
    private Boolean blocked;
    private String  nickname;
    private String  portrait;
    private float   score;
    private int     loginTimes;
    private long    createTime;

The benchmark result is as follows:


Due to the special partition serialization strategy, smartbuf does not perform as well as protobuf when dealing with small objects, but it has obvious advantages over json.

Medium Object

The next object to be tested is a fragment extracted from our production environment data structure. The specific model is as follows:

public class UserModel {
    private long    id;
    private String  nickname;
    private String  portrait;
    private float   score;
    private String  mail;
    private String  mobile;
    private String  token;
    private Integer type;
    private Integer source;
    private Boolean blocked;
    private int     loginTimes;
    private long    updateTime;
    private long    createTime;
    private List<Message> msgs;
    private List<Tag>     tags;

    public static class Message {
        private Long   id;
        private Long   from;
        private Long   to;
        private String msg;
        private Long   timestamp;

    public static class Tag {
        private int    code;
        private String name;

In the test preparation data, several small objects are randomly allocated for msgs and tags respectively, and finally the performance of each serialization framework is as follows:


It can be seen that during the serialization process of this data magnitude, smartbuf using stream mode exceeds protobuf, however, due to the pre-compilation of protobuf, its encoding and decoding performance still has obvious advantages.

Large Object

The previous small and medium are not the actual data used in any production environment. In order to test its performance in the real production environment, this section deliberately took a famous APP for testing.

The test data is taken from the Twitter web version of the home page sidebar global trend, which is probably one of the most frequently used interfaces, i have organized it into json. The corresponding java model is too large, you can see the source code TrendModel.

For this test data, the performance of each serialization framework is as follows:


As we can see, the over 64KB of global trend data, only need 20KB for smartbuf encoding, even the packet mode is significantly better than protobuf.

The encoding performance is also the best of smartbuf, but protobuf still has a big lead in decoding performance.

Advantages and disadvantages

From the above examples and tests, we can intuitively see that smartbuf keeps the schema information in the serialization result. This makes it difficult to take advantage of design when it comes to small data sets, especially for test small objects around 100B.

But for normal data objects, such as the common system data such as 2K, 20K, even bigger, the advantages of the smartbuf algorithm design can be fully reflected. For larger data objects of the array class, the space utilization of smartbuf will significantly exceed protobuf.

Using smartbuf does not need to predefine any IDL like *.proto, it can directly encode the ordinary POJO as byte[]. The whole process is very similar to the commonly used json serialization tool.

All in all, using smartbuf may bring the following benefits:

More efficient data transfer

Compared to json, it can reduce network resource consumption by even 70%.

Compared to protobuf, it can also reduce network resource consumption by over 10%.

For Internet products, especially the mobile Internet that network isn't stable, it can improve the interface response speed, reduce the power consumption of the device, and improve the system throughput.

Improve development and debugging flexibility

Compared to protobuf, using smartbuf no longer requires manual maintenance of IDL, which is very important for fast iterations of early productions.

Another point that can't be ignored is the impact of IDL on the product. For example, I participated a Android application that uses protobuf, with the rapid iteration, the proto was frequently modified. After the product went online one year later, the jar package compiled by proto even reached an amazing 3.8MB, but the whole APP was less than 12MB.


Any form of technical discussion, problem feedback, assistance in development, etc. are welcome.

smartbuf is a novel technology that is currently only available in a small range. But every line of code and every logic has been thoroughly tested, and the test coverage of 100% may not be enough to cover all the scenarios in the actual product reference.

If you encounter any problems during the actual using, please submit the issue feedback in time, we will respond as soon as possible.

Let us know if you like it, it could encourage us keep working~~




SmartBuf is a cross-language serialization and deserialization framework, and it has high performance and compression ratio like protobuf, high compatibility and scalability like json.








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