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Bash scripting to automate FreeSurfer usage.
Bash scripting to automate FreeSurfer usage
Use at your own risk, no warranty is provided
Flags explained
-s <Subject ID>
-d <Directory where subject data is located> (if not specified assumes current directory)
-f <NII file to work on> (multiple instances of this flag possible)
-w <wave/time_series> (multiple instances of this flag possible)
-l [Only the longitudinal pipelines are run, the recon-all -all are skipped]
-r [Only the recon-all -all pipelines are run, the longitudinal are skipped]
-n <number of processor cores to work with for parallel pipelines> (if not set defaults to slurm setting)
-a <afni input file> (multiple instances of this flag possible)
-u [Print this help message]
-h [Print this help message]
#SBATCH -p compute
#SBATCH -J "fresh"
#SBATCH -t 4-00:00:00
cd $dir
module load apps fresh
fresh -f s5519_w1_T1_GR_FP.nii.gz -f s5519_w1_T2_GR_FP.nii.gz -f s5519_w2_T1_GR_FP.nii.gz -f s5519_w2_T2_GR_FP.nii.gz -f s5519_w3_T1_GR_FP.nii.gz -f s5519_w3_T2_GR_F
This runs all the pre-processing, recon-all -all
and longitudinal steps for the supplied files.
Specify the -r
flag with fresh
. Leave the other settings, such as the #SBATCH
directives, etc, as is.
fresh -r -f s5519_w1_T1_GR_FP.nii.gz -f s5519_w1_T2_GR_FP.nii.gz -f s5519_w2_T1_GR_FP.nii.gz -f s5519_w2_T2_GR_FP.nii.gz -f s5519_w3_T1_GR_FP.nii.gz -f s5519_w3_T2_GR_F
Only the recon-all -all pipelines are run, the longitudinal are skipped
Specify the -l
flag with fresh
. Leave the other settings, such as the #SBATCH
directives, etc, as is.
fresh -l -f s5519_w1_T1_GR_FP.nii.gz -f s5519_w1_T2_GR_FP.nii.gz -f s5519_w2_T1_GR_FP.nii.gz -f s5519_w2_T2_GR_FP.nii.gz -f s5519_w3_T1_GR_FP.nii.gz -f s5519_w3_T2_GR_F
Only the longitudinal pipelines are run, the recon-all -all are skipped.
Simple, interactive, wrapper for running fresh on the contents of a directory.
It will look for the relevant file types in a supplied directory and submit them all to the queue for you.
directory to work in, defaults to current working directory if not specified-f
<file signifier>
file signifier, defaults to GR_FP.nii.gz if not set-s
<subject id>
Subject ID, optional. If not specified processes for all subject id's it finds-e
<email address>, optional, the queue will send emails to this address
verbose mode"
Firstly, load the module: module load apps fresh
To just work in the current directory: fwrap
and it will guide you through the process.
Specify a different directory: fwrap -d /path/to/directory
Specify a certain Subject ID so other Subject ID's will be ignored: fwrap -s 1234
Specify an email address to receive notifications from slurm about the job: fwrap -e user@email.com
First you will be asked to choose one from the following:
- All steps
- The
recon-all -all
pre-processing steps only - The longitudinal steps only
Specify 1, 2 or 3 as appropriate.
Next you will be asked to confirm if the generated submission is correct or not. If it is press y
and it will be submitted to be processed or n
if there is a problem with it and the submission will be cancelled.
Here is an example:
$ fwrap
Directory to work on = /projects/test5
The file signifier, (pattern used to signify a file is one fresh should be run on), = GR_FP.nii.gz
(If set) Subject ID: (if blank none specified)
Choose one of the following
1 - do all steps, i.e. recon-all -all pre-processing & longitudinal steps
2 - do only the recon-all -all pre-processing steps
3 - do only the longitudinal steps
Choose (1, 2 or 3)? 1
Doing all steps
Here is the generated submission file:
#SBATCH -p compute
#SBATCH -J "fresh"
#SBATCH -t 4-00:00:00
cd /projects/test5
module load apps fresh
fresh -f s5519_w1_T1_GR_FP.nii.gz -f s5519_w1_T2_GR_FP.nii.gz -f s5519_w2_T1_GR_FP.nii.gz -f s5519_w2_T2_GR_FP.nii.gz -f s5519_w3_T1_GR_FP.nii.gz -f s5519_w3_T2_GR_FP.n
Is that correct? (y/n)? y
submitting /projects/test5/sbatch.sh to the queue
Submitted batch job 292646
Note: fresh is already installed on some of the TCHPC clusters so there is no need to install it if you are using Lonsdale or Kelvin. To use fresh on those systems load the relevant module with: module load apps fresh
If you are installing fresh on another system it should just be a matter of downloading it from github and ensuring your path knows where to look for it.
- Download fresh
$ git clone https://github.com/smcgrat/fresh.git
- Add the
script to your path. you could addalias fresh="/path/to/fresh"
to your.bashrc
This is a working repo and is subject to change. There will be a catalog of commit's for known working versions of fresh.
- Dec 03, 2019 - first working known good version:
$ git checkout b6b0b9545cbb10e3334388a80d04666742da4e60
- Aug 10, 2020 - next working known good version:
$ git checkout b6b0b9545cbb10e3334388a80d04666742da4e60
requires consistency in file naming to operate. If the files it receives are not named as it expects it may fail.
The first rule of this convention, underscores to be used as the separator.
The components of the file name convention are:
- Subject ID
- Wave
- Resampling, i.e.
, if done.
This leads to following structure example: subjectID_wave_RS
_ _ _
(_) | (_)
_____ _____ _| |_ _ _ __ __ _
/ _ \ \/ / __| | __| | '_ \ / _` |
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