JuanFi is an open source system for coinslot integration for mikrotik hotspot
Donation is very welcome, if you want to donate, you can donate using this GCASH account
Ivan Julius Alayan 09175425572
- Wireless based
- Lan based
- Mikrotik integration
- Pause expiration
- Codeless generation
- Anti Coinslot abuse system
- LCD Display
- Code generation in vendo using LCD without device needed
- Multi vendo system
- Initial setup of the system
- Mikrotik connection setup, SSID setup, coinslot settings
- Promo Rates configuration ( Rates, expiration)
- Dashboard, Sales report
- Custom pin configuration
- coinslot abuse system config
1.) NodeMCU(ESP8266) for wireless or NodemCU(ESP32) for LAN Based
2.) Coinslot
3.) Mikrotik Router
4.) Access Point
5.) Node MCU baseboard( Optional for wireless)
6.) Power Supply (12v for nodemcu, another 12v for Mikrotik)
7.) W5500 for Lan based
8.) LM2596 or any DC to DC buck that can convert to 5v for (Lan based only since no available baseboard for ESP32)
There are 2 ways how to upload the software in NodeMCU
a.) Install the binary release file, follow this guide on how to flash the bin file https://github.com/ivanalayan15/JuanFi/tree/master/release
1.) Download and install Arduino IDE https://www.arduino.cc/en/software
2.) Install nodemcu board and libraries https://randomnerdtutorials.com/how-to-install-esp8266-board-arduino-ide/
install dependency libraries at arduino libraries folder
- Download this https://github.com/videojedi/ESP8266-Telnet-Client and put it on ardunio library folder
- From arduino, Go to Tools->Manage Libararies->Seach for LiquidCrystal_I2C and installl
3.) Compile and upload code
a.) Open JuanFi.ino
c.) Upload sketchup data using SIFSS, follow this instruction https://randomnerdtutorials.com/install-esp8266-filesystem-uploader-arduino-ide/
4.) JuanFi initial setup
a.) Connect to JuanFi Setup SSID
b.) Login to admin panel, Default user and password : admin / admin
c.) Configure System, change the necessary fields to your configuration, system will restart to take effect,
default mikrotik user and password is pisonet / abc123
1.) Setup mikrotik hotspot according to your configuration
2.) Make the NodeMCU IP address static
3.) Add IP Bindings exception on hotspot
4.) Modify vendoIpAddress (NodeMcu IPaddress) in the core.js file, you can do a multivendo setup just follow the comment in javascript for instruction
5.) Upload html template to mikrotik in Files option of mikrotik
6.) Create user for nodemcu access, default user for nodemcu is pisonet / abc123 you can change it by your own
7.) Execute the following script in mikrotik telnet terminal replace with your own nodemcu IP address
/ip hotspot walled-garden ip add action=accept disabled=no dst-address=
/ip firewall filter add action=accept chain=input place-before=0 comment=NodeMCUIP src-address=
7.) Please add this script in the hotspot user profile on login event
:local sc [/sys scheduler find name=$user]; :if ($sc="") do={ :local a [/ip hotspot user get [find name=$user] limit-uptime]; :local validity [/ip hotspot user get [find name=$user] comment]; :local c ($validity); :local date [ /system clock get date]; /sys sch add name="$user" disable=no start-date=$date interval=$c on-event="/ip hotspot user remove [find name=$user]; /ip hotspot active remove [find user=$user]; /ip hotspot cookie remove [find user=$user]; /system sche remove [find name=$user]" policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon; :delay 2s; /ip hotspot user set comment="" $user; } else={ :local sint [/sys scheduler get $user interval]; :local validity [/ip hotspot user get [find name=$user] comment]; :if ( $validity!="" ) do={ /sys scheduler set $user interval ($sint+$validity); /ip hotspot user set comment="" $user; } }
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.