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A fast, lightweight implementation of Smith-Waterman

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bioseq is packaged as a module for Node environments, but automatically attaches itself to window if included in a browser. To get it in Node, from your project directory,

npm install bioseq --save

From there, you can require it wherever is convenient:

const bioseq = require('bioseq');

Alternately, if you just want it in the browser, download it and include it with a script tag, like so:

<script src="bioseq.js"></script>

Quick Start Example

var query  = 'AGCTAcCGCAT';

var rst = bioseq.align(target, query);

console.log('Score: ', rst.score);
console.log('Starting position: ', rst.position);
console.log('CIGAR: ', bioseq.cigar2str(rst.CIGAR));

var fmt = bioseq.cigar2gaps(target, query, rst.position, rst.CIGAR);


For a more comprehensive example, view the source of demo/index.html


bioseq is an object with the following functions: align, cigar2gaps, cigar2str, bsg_enc_seq, gen_query_profile, gen_score_matrix, makeAlphabetMap, and makeIntArray.

In general, the only functions of general interest are align and cigar2*, so let's talk about those.


align is the fundamental function of bioseq. It accepts seven parameters:

  • target - target string
  • query - query string or query profile

And, optionally:

  • is_local - perform local alignment
  • matrix - square score matrix or [match,mismatch] array
  • gapsc - [gap_open,gap_ext] array; k-length gap costs gap_open+gap_ext
  • w - bandwidth, disabled by default
  • table - encoding table. It defaults to bioseq.nt5.

Returns an object containing a score, position, and CIGAR. CIGAR is encoded in the BAM way, where higher 28 bits keeps the length and lower 4 bits the operation in order of 'MIDNSH'. See bioseq.cigar2str() for converting CIGAR to string.


Before I get in to what this function does, let's talk about what it needs. CIGAR is an encoding scheme for sequence alignment instructions. Basically, it's a list of instructions to make two sequences line up. These instructions are assembled from a very simple set:

  • M for match
  • I for insertion
  • D for deletion
  • N for gap
  • S for substitution
  • H for hard clipping

Each of these can be preceded by an integer, indicating the number of base pairs for which this instruction is correct between the two sequences. However, CIGARs are stored as simpler machine instructions, rather than strings. So, if you want to show the CIGAR (for some reason), you're going to need this.


Takes a pair of sequences and a CIGAR and returns an array of sequences which have been aligned according to the instructions in the CIGAR.


bioseq implements local and global pairwise alignment with affine gap penalties. There are two formulations: the Durbin formulation as is described in his book and the Green formulation as is implemented in phrap. The Durbin formulation is easier to understand, while the Green formulation is simpler to code and probably faster in practice.

The Durbin formulation is:

M(i,j) = max{M(i-1,j-1)+S(i,j), E(i-1,j-1), F(i-1,j-1)}

E(i,j) = max{M(i-1,j)-q-r, F(i-1,j)-q-r, E(i-1,j)-r}

F(i,j) = max{M(i,j-1)-q-r, F(i,j-1)-r, E(i,j-1)-q-r}

where q is the gap open penalty, r the gap extension penalty and S(i,j) is the score between the i-th residue in the row sequence and the j-th residue in the column sequence. Note that the original Durbin formulation disallows transitions between between E and F states, but we allow them here.

In the Green formulation, we introduce:

H(i,j) = max{M(i,j), E(i,j), F(i,j)}

The recursion becomes:

H(i,j) = max{H(i-1,j-1)+S(i,j), E(i,j), F(i,j)}

E(i,j) = max{H(i-1,j)-q, E(i-1,j)} - r

F(i,j) = max{H(i,j-1)-q, F(i,j-1)} - r

It is in fact equivalent to the Durbin formulation. In implementation, we calculate the scores in a different order:

H(i,j)   = max{H(i-1,j-1)+S(i,j), E(i,j), F(i,j)}

E(i+1,j) = max{H(i,j)-q, E(i,j)} - r

F(i,j+1) = max{H(i,j)-q, F(i,j)} - r

i.e. at cell (i,j), we compute E for the next row and F for the next column.


In an online conversation, Istvan Albert was complaining he could not find a good Smith-Waterman implementation in Javascript. Heng Li thought he could write one over night by porting ksw.c to javascript. It took longer than he planned because he found a couple of subtle bugs in ksw.c. And while he was porting the C code to javascript, he realized that it is not that difficult to merge local and banded global alignments in one function. Achieving that also took extra time.

The end product is a fast and lightweight javascript library for affine-gap local and banded global pairwise alignment. With a modern Javascript engine, it is not much slower than a non-SSE C implementation.


A fast, lightweight implementation of Smith-Waterman






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