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A high-performance, non-blocking database driver for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite, written for Kotlin Native.


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A high-performance, non-blocking database driver for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite, written for Kotlin Native.


The project is in a very early stage; thus, breaking changes should be expected.

đź“– Documentation

🏠 Homepage (under construction)


Currently, the driver supports:

  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • SQLite


// or for MySQL
// or for SQLite


If you are building your project on Windows, for target mingwX64, and you encounter the following error:

lld-link: error: -exclude-symbols:___chkstk_ms is not allowed in .drectve

Please look at this issue: #18

Supported targets

We support the following targets:

  • iosArm64
  • androidNativeX64
  • androidNativeArm64
  • macosArm64
  • macosX64
  • linuxArm64
  • linuxX64
  • mingwX64
  • wasmJs (potential future candidate)
  • jvm (potential future candidate)



The driver is designed with full support for non-blocking I/O, enabling seamless integration with modern, high-performance applications. By leveraging asynchronous, non-blocking operations, it ensures efficient resource management, reduces latency, and improves scalability.

Connection pool

Connection Pool Settings

The driver allows you to configure connection pool settings directly from its constructor, giving you fine-grained control over how database connections are managed. These settings are designed to optimize performance and resource utilization for your specific application requirements.

Key Configuration Options:

  • minConnections
    Specifies the minimum number of connections to maintain in the pool at all times. This ensures that a baseline number of connections are always ready to serve requests, reducing the latency for acquiring connections during peak usage.

  • maxConnections
    Defines the maximum number of connections that can be maintained in the pool. This setting helps limit resource usage and ensures the pool does not exceed the available database or system capacity.

  • acquireTimeout
    Sets the maximum duration to wait when attempting to acquire a connection from the pool. If a connection cannot be acquired within this time, an exception is thrown, allowing you to handle connection timeouts gracefully.

  • idleTimeout
    Specifies the maximum duration a connection can remain idle before being closed and removed from the pool. This helps clean up unused connections, freeing up resources.

  • maxLifetime
    Defines the maximum lifetime for individual connections. Once a connection reaches this duration, it is closed and replaced, even if it is active, helping prevent issues related to stale or long-lived connections.

By adjusting these parameters, you can fine-tune the driver's behavior to match the specific needs of your application, whether you're optimizing for low-latency responses, high-throughput workloads, or efficient resource utilization.

// Additionally, you can set minConnections, acquireTimeout, idleTimeout, etc. 
val options = Driver.Pool.Options.builder()

val db = PostgreSQL(
    url = "postgresql://localhost:15432/test",
    username = "postgres",
    password = "postgres",
    options = options

val db = MySQL(
    url = "mysql://localhost:13306/test",
    username = "mysql",
    password = "mysql"

val db = SQLite(
    url = "sqlite://test.db",
    options = options

Prepared Statements

// With named parameters:
val st1 = Statement
    .create("select * from sqlx4k where id = :id")
    .bind("id", 65)

db.fetchAll(st1).getOrThrow().map {
    val id: ResultSet.Row.Column = it.get("id")
    Test(id = id.asInt())

// With positional parameters:
val st2 = Statement
    .create("select * from sqlx4k where id = ?")
    .bind(0, 65)

db.fetchAll(st2).getOrThrow().map {
    val id: ResultSet.Row.Column = it.get("id")
    Test(id = id.asInt())


val tx1: Transaction = db.begin().getOrThrow()
tx1.execute("delete from sqlx4k;").getOrThrow()
tx1.fetchAll("select * from sqlx4k;").getOrThrow().forEach {

You can also execute entire blocks in a transaction scope.

db.transaction {
    execute("delete from sqlx4k;").getOrThrow()
    fetchAll("select * from sqlx4k;").getOrThrow().forEach {
    // At the end of the block will auto commit the transaction.
    // If any error occurs will automatically trigger the rollback method.

Auto generate basic CRUD (insert/update/delete) queries

For this operation you will need to include the KSP plugin to your project.

plugins {

// Then you need to configure the processor (will generate the necessary code files).
ksp {
    arg("output-package", "io.github.smyrgeorge.sqlx4k.examples.postgres")
    arg("output-filename", "GeneratedQueries")

dependencies {
    ksp(implementation("io.github.smyrgeorge:sqlx4k-codegen:x.y.z")) // Will generate code for all available targets.

Then create your data class that will be mapped to a table:

package io.github.smyrgeorge.sqlx4k.examples.postgres

import io.github.smyrgeorge.sqlx4k.annotation.Id
import io.github.smyrgeorge.sqlx4k.annotation.Table

data class Sqlx4k(
    @Id(insert = true) // Will be included in the insert query.
    val id: Int,
    val test: String

We also need to create the function definitions for the generated code:

// Filename: GeneratedQueries (same as `output-filename`).
// Also the package should be the same as `output-package`.
package io.github.smyrgeorge.sqlx4k.examples.postgres

import io.github.smyrgeorge.sqlx4k.Statement

// We only need to declare the functions,
// the actual code will be auto-generated. 
expect fun Sqlx4k.insert(): Statement
expect fun Sqlx4k.update(): Statement
expect fun Sqlx4k.delete(): Statement

Then in your code you can use it like:

val insert: Statement = Sqlx4k(id = 66, test = "test").insert()
val affected = db.execute(insert).getOrThrow()
println("AFFECTED: $affected")

For more details take a look at the postgres example.


object Sqlx4kRowMapper : RowMapper<Sqlx4k> {
    override fun map(row: ResultSet.Row): Sqlx4k {
        val id: ResultSet.Row.Column = row.get(0)
        val test: ResultSet.Row.Column = row.get(1)
        // Use built-in mapping methods to map the values to the corresponding type.
        return Sqlx4k(id = id.asInt(), test = test.asString())

val res = List<Sqlx4k> = db.fetchAll("select * from sqlx4k limit 100;", Sqlx4kRowMapper).getOrThrow()

Database Migrations

Run any pending migrations against the database; and, validate previously applied migrations against the current migration source to detect accidental changes in previously-applied migrations.

println("Migrations completed.")

This process will create a table with name _sqlx_migrations.

For more information, take a look at the example.

Listen/Notify (only for PostgreSQL)

db.listen("chan0") { notification: Postgres.Notification ->

(1..10).forEach {
    db.notify("chan0", "Hello $it")


Check here:


You will need the Rust toolchain to build this project. Check here:


By default the project will build only for your system architecture-os (e.g. macosArm64, linuxArm64, etc.)

Also, make sure that you have installed all the necessary targets (only if you want to build for all targets):

rustup target add aarch64-apple-ios
rustup target add x86_64-linux-android
rustup target add aarch64-linux-android
rustup target add aarch64-apple-darwin
rustup target add x86_64-apple-darwin
rustup target add aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu

We also need to install cross (tool that helps with cross-compiling)

cargo install cross --git

Then, run the build.

# will build only for macosArm64 target
./gradlew build

You can also build for specific targets.

./gradlew build -Ptargets=macosArm64,macosX64

To build for all available target run:

./gradlew build -Ptargets=all


./gradlew publishAllPublicationsToMavenCentralRepository -Ptargets=all


First you need to run start-up the postgres instance.

docker compose up -d

Then run the main method.



See Main.kt file for more examples (examples modules).

Checking for memory leaks

macOS (using leaks tool)

Check for memory leaks with the leaks tool. First sign you binary:

codesign -s - -v -f --entitlements =(echo -n '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""\>
<plist version="1.0">
</plist>') ./examples/postgres/build/bin/macosArm64/releaseExecutable/postgres.kexe

Then run the tool:

leaks -atExit -- ./examples/postgres/build/bin/macosArm64/releaseExecutable/postgres.kexe

Sample output:

Process:         postgres.kexe [54426]
Path:            /Users/USER/*/postgres.kexe
Load Address:    0x1027ec000
Identifier:      postgres.kexe
Version:         0
Code Type:       ARM64
Platform:        macOS
Parent Process:  leaks [54424]

Date/Time:       2024-10-14 19:17:58.968 +0200
Launch Time:     2024-10-14 19:17:21.968 +0200
OS Version:      macOS 15.0 (24A335)
Report Version:  7
Analysis Tool:   /Applications/
Analysis Tool Version:  Xcode 16.0 (16A242d)

Physical footprint:         37.1M
Physical footprint (peak):  38.5M
Idle exit:                  untracked

leaks Report Version: 4.0, multi-line stacks
Process 54426: 1847 nodes malloced for 656 KB
Process 54426: 0 leaks for 0 total leaked bytes.