🔭 I’m currently participating in the Analytics Olympiad 2023 AI MachineHack Load Default Prediction ML
🌱 I’m currently studying for the Google Advanced Data Analyst Professional Certification
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Data Analysis and Data Science Projects
💬 Ask me about Python, Data Wrangling, Model Building, Predictive Modeling, Statistics
📫 How to reach me: s.nyamson@outlook.com
I'm a passionate data enthusiast with a knack for transforming raw data into meaningful insights. My journey in the world of data analysis and machine learning has been exhilarating, and I'm always hungry to learn and apply new techniques. From exploring data patterns to building predictive models, I find joy in unraveling the stories hidden within the numbers.
I believe in the power of collaboration and knowledge sharing. Let's connect, share ideas, and create impactful projects that make a difference in the data-driven landscape. If you're as passionate about data as I am, feel free to reach out and let's embark on this journey together!
Let's turn data into insights and make the world a smarter place!