A web app that lists and searches movies.
Ensure you have the following softwares installed:
Clone the repository and proceed with the instructions below.
This app is written with Vuejs so Nodejs powers it; Enter the folloeing commands to start app locally
yarn install
yarn serve
From within the project directory run the following:
yarn docker:bash
to build image and container for app
when this is done, app will basically start on port 8080
Open a new terminal window and run the following command:
docker ps
You will be given a printout showing your running containers. Part of the printout should contain something like this:
.....>8080/tcp, movie_web_app
This tells you that the various machines exist "locally" at and that the exposed web port have been mapped to port 8080.
To stop the docker development environment, issue the following command from the project root:
yarn docker:down
This will stop all the container and related to this project.
To start the docker development environment another time run:
yarn docker:up
This will start the container again.
To load the homepage of the app, visit the url below in a browser:
Thus your adventure begins... The project is up and running.