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Installation from source code

Software Magico edited this page May 9, 2024 · 2 revisions

The project is divided in two parts frontend and backend. Each one must be compiled and run separately.


Frontend is based on Angular (that needs Node). You need to install Node 14 at least to execute this tool.


On the environment folder there are multiple files to store the configuration variables for the server. As it is serving multiples environments, edit the ones you need (probably

Set the backend server url if needed. You only must update it if the frontend and the backend are running on different hosts.

backendUrl: "http://localhost:8080/kendo-tournament-backend"

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:4200/. You must be able to see the login screen of the application, but any login attempt will fail as the backend server is still offline.


Run ng build to build the project (or ng build --configuration=production). The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. This folder is the one you need to deploy on a standard web server (apache, nginx, ...). Nothing special is required as the dist folder only includes html and javascript files that will be run in your browser.


The backend project is based on Java and Maven. You need to have both tools (OpenJDK and Maven) installed on your system.


You can configure the backend before compiling the project. The steps are similar to the described here, but you do not need to uncompress the zip file.

Compiling the project

As is based on Maven, simply run mvn clean install inside the backend folder. This will generate the final jar on the backend\kendo-tournament-rest/target. Remember that you need to put the correct configuration settings before compiling it.

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