We all expect online experiences to happen in real-time. Messages should arrive instantly, dashboards should deliver business metrics as they happen, and live sports scores should be broadcast to fans worldwide in a blink.
This expectation is even higher for real-time chat and messaging, now embedded in everything from e-commerce platforms to online gaming. But building a competitive instant messaging or live chat app requires some heavy lifting. And here is How I could develop my chat app from scratch
What the functionalities :
- User Login: Users can log into the chat system with a username.
- Message Sending: Logged-in users have the ability to send messages to other users.
- Real-time Message Reception: Users receive messages from other users in real time without needing to refresh the page.
- Notifications: Users are notified when a new message is received.
- List of Connected Users: The system displays a list of currently connected users.
- Group and friends management: you can manage your groups and friends, and add new members to your group.
What Did I use for this project?
SignalR is a library for ASP.NET developers that simplifies the process of adding real-time web functionality to applications
Node.js is a server environment. to handle the app logic (auth, user management, group management …)
Next Js enables you to create full-stack Web applications
Redis in-memory data structure store is used as a database, cache, and message broker
Docker to containerize the application, and make it easy to ship, deploy …
GitHub Actions to setup ci/cd and git for version control
I’ve mainly used the observer design pattern to define a subscription mechanism to notify multiple users in the same channel about any events.
and also the singleton pattern to maintain one connection per user with my server.
Source code :
This repository contains the logic of the real-time subscription and event-based system (for notifications, and messages …)
SignalR, C#, DotNet, Redis, Docker, Github Actions
And this repository contains the client logic, with the back-end logic of the core of the app
NextJs , Nodjs, Tailwind Css ..
Made by : Sohaib manah
Demo: Friends zone
How to install the app :
Setup the server
## Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/sohaibMan/pusherSignalR
## cd into the pusherSignalR directory
cd pusherSignalR
## Create a .env file with the required fields
cp .env.example .env.local
## open your project with visual studio code or rider , white for the dependicies to be install and the run the server
## enjoy !
Setup the client
## Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/sohaibMan/FriendZone.git
## cd into the FriendZone directory
cd FriendZone
## Create a .env file with the required fields
cp .env.example .env.local
## Install the dependicies
npm i
## Run the server
npm run dev