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Solidgate Vue3 SDK

This is a wrapper for Solidgate Client SDK


Run inside Vue3 project

npm i @solidagate/vue-sdk


Payment form

Render a payment component in your vue3 project

Component inputs and outputs are described in the docs

  <Payment :merchant-data="merchantData" />

<script lang="ts" setup>
import Payment, { InitConfig } from '@solidgate/vue-sdk'

const merchantData: InitConfig['merchantData'] = {
  merchant: '<<--YOUR MERCHANT ID-->>',
  signature: '<<--YOUR SIGNATURE OF THE REQUEST-->>',
  paymentIntent: '<<--YOUR PAYMENT INTENT-->>'

In order to render google/apple button in custom container define Payment as async component and pass link to container element

  <div ref="googleButton" />
  <div ref="appleButton" />

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref, defineAsyncComponent } from 'vue'
import { InitConfig } from '@solidgate/vue-sdk'
const Payment = defineAsyncComponent(() => import('@solidgate/vue-sdk'))

const googleButton = ref<HTMLDivElement>()
const appleButton = ref<HTMLDivElement>()

const merchantData: InitConfig['merchantData'] = {
  merchant: '<<--YOUR MERCHANT ID-->>',
  signature: '<<--YOUR SIGNATURE OF THE REQUEST-->>',
  paymentIntent: '<<--YOUR PAYMENT INTENT-->>'

Resign form

Render a resign component in your vue3 project

Component inputs and outputs are described in the docs

  <Resign :resign-request="resignRequest" />

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { Resign, ResignRequest } from '@solidgate/vue-sdk'

const resignRequest: ResignRequest = {
  merchant: '<<--YOUR MERCHANT ID-->>',
  signature: '<<--YOUR SIGNATURE OF THE REQUEST-->>',
  resignIntent: '<<--YOUR RESIGN INTENT-->>'

Development server (Vue3 + Typescript + Vite)

  1. cd vue-sdk
  2. npm i
  3. npm run start
  4. Navigate to http://localhost:3000/.


  1. cd vue-sdk
  2. npm run build
  3. cd dist
  4. is a js bundle.