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iAutomator is a Chrome extension that provides users with built-in shortcuts such as reading mode, night mode, page outlines, and basic operations like clicking, inputting, event listening and emitting, and more. In addition to supporting custom functions through script mode, iAutomator also allows for instruction configuration through its user interface. Whether you are looking to increase productivity or seeking more convenience while browsing the web, iAutomator is a very practical tool.





Table of Built-in Actions in iAutomator


Reload the current page with specified interval, start condition and stop condition.

Argument Description Type Default Value Example
interval The interval at which to reload. number 5 10
start Start reloading when the element exists. string "" ".my-class"
stop Stop reloading when the element exists. string "" "#my-id"

Read Mode

Enable read mode on the current page.

Argument Description Type Default Value Example
metaKey Whether to enable read mode using meta key (e.g. Ctrl key on Windows or Command key on Mac). boolean false true

Dark Mode

Change the current page to dark mode.

Argument Description Type Default Value Example
long Longitude number 121.4737
lat Latitude number 31.2304
system Follow the system theme for applying the dark mode boolean false true


Bookmark target items on the current page.

Argument Description Type Default Value Example
item CSS-Selector of the target items. string ".my-class"
refresh Refresh type: auto / manual string "manual" "manual"
notify Should notify on the title? boolean true true

Code Copy

Copy code from the current page.

Argument Description Type Default Value Example
inpre The child of the <pre> tag to copy. boolean false true
pre The <pre> tag to copy. boolean false true
rm Elements to remove. string "" ".my-class"
pos Position of the copy button. string "tl" "tr"


Trigger a click on an element.


Set focus on the specified element.

Argument Description Type Default Value Example
blur Whether to blur the element. boolean false true


Create a note or comment.

Argument Description Type Default Value Example
value Content of the note. string "" "This is a note."
isComment Save note as comment. boolean false true

Set title

Set the title of the page.

Argument Description Type Example
title Text of the title. string "New Title"


Modify attributes of an element.

Argument Description Type Example
name Name of the attribute. string "class"
value Value of the attribute. string "my-class"

Scrollbar position

Set the position of the scrollbar.

Argument Description Type Example
delay Delay before scrolling starts (in seconds). number 1


Listen or emit an event.

Argument Description Type Default Value Example
events Name of the event. string "click"
selector CSS selector of the target. string ".my-class"
type Type of action: listen or emit. string "listen" "emit"

Set value

Set value of an input element.

Argument Description Type Default Value Example
value Value to be set. string "" "Hello World."


Activate current page.


Scroll the page.

Argument Description Type Default Value Example
speed Speed of scrolling with unit px/s. number 20 30


Create a customizable button.

Argument Description Type Default Value Example
type Button type. Available types are: {top / toggle / shortcut / translate}. string "" "toggle"
item CSS selector of the items. string "" ".my-class"
pos Position of the button. string "" "tr"
mh Min-height of the button. string 35 50


Outline the main headings of the current page.

Name Description Type Default
- - - -


Redirect from the current page to another page.

Name Description Type Default
from Path pattern of the from page string -
to path pattern of the to page string -
host Hostname of the to page string -
query New query parameters of the URL as a string string -
qformat Format of the query parameters: 'arr' or 'default' string -

Allow Copying

Enable copying of text and other content.

Name Description Type Default
- - - -

Zen Mode

Hide all elements on the page and leave only a defined text with a background.

Name Description Type Default
word Text to be displayed string Zen
delay Delay in seconds before displaying the page string 0 (never display)
bgcolor Background color string #35363a
color Font color string #ffffff

Start PIP Mode

Start the Picture in Picture mode, which lets you watch video in a floating window on top of other windows.

Name Description Type Default
- - - -

Hash Element

Add an anchor for one or more elements on the page.

Name Description Type Default
- - - -

Time Update

Add a time tag for a HTML5 video on the page.

Name Description Type Default
- - - -

Goto Element

Automatically navigate to a target element on the page.

Name Description Type Default
auto Automatically navigate to target element boolean false
to Target element's CSS selector string -
order Order to navigate through the elements string asc (ascending) / desc (descending)
handle Handle function for target element string -

Single Tab

Open a single tab for the specified URL.

Name Description Type Default
path Path string -


Wait for a specified amount of time (in seconds).

Name Description Type Default
time The amount of time to wait, measured in seconds number 1

Close Page

Close the current tab or window.

Name Description Type Default
- - - -


Please start with the dev branch

# node >= v16.13

# dev
yarn dev

# build
yarn build

