Lightweight and simple Javascript tool to compare equality with objects, arrays and other Javascript object types.
Note: Errors and Functions objects are not allowed to compare.
npm install --save @sonofjs/js-compare
Compares if two javascript objects are equal.
The keys are compared with the values. Objects will be equally true when have the same keys with the same values. Values can be objects itself or any Javascript object type.
import { equal } from '@sonofjs/js-compare'
const object1 = { key: '::value::' }
const object2 = { key: '::value::' }
const object3 = { key: '::value3::' }
equal(object1, object2) // true
equal(object1, object3) // false
An array can contain any kind of Javascript object type. The only matters is the order and the items value.
import { equal } from '@sonofjs/js-compare'
const array1 = ['::value1::', '::value2::']
const array2 = ['::value1::', '::value2::']
const array3 = ['::value2::', '::value1::']
equal(array1, array2) // true
equal(array1, array3) // false
Simple javascript types can be compared too, although these comparations can be implemented in a much more simple way in pure Javascript with the ===
import { equal } from '@sonofjs/js-compare'
equal(1, 1) // true
equal(1, 2) // false
equal('::string::', '::string::') // true
equal('::string1::', '::string2::') // false
equal(Symbol('::symbol::', Symbol('::symbol::')) // true
equal(Symbol('::symbol1::', Symbol('::symbol2::')) // false
equal(true, true) // true
equal(true, false) // false
equal(null, null) // true
equal(null, undefinded) // false
equal() // true
equal(undefined, undefined) // true
equal(null, undefinded) // false
Check if a Javascript object is empty.
Check if is not defined or has no keys.
import { isEmpty } from '@sonofjs/js-compare'
isEmpty() // true
isEmpty({}) // true
isEmpty({ key: '::value::' }) // false
Check if is not defined or has more than one items.
import { isEmpty } from '@sonofjs/js-compare'
isEmpty() // true
isEmpty([]) // true
isEmpty(['::value::']) // false
Simple javascript types can be checked if they are empty too, although you can do it simplier comparing it to undefined
without using this library.
import { isEmpty } from '@sonofjs/js-compare'
isEmpty() // true
isEmpty(null) // true
isEmpty('::value::') // false
Contributions welcome; Please submit all pull requests the against master branch. If your pull request contains JavaScript patches or features, you should include relevant unit tests. Please check the Contributing Guidelines for more details. Thanks!
Albert Pérez Farrés