- IPFS-Based Chat using Gossipsub Protocol (https://research.protocol.ai/blog/2019/a-new-lab-for-resilient-networks-research/PL-TechRep-gossipsub-v0.1-Dec30.pdf)
Before accessing NovaChat features, you can either run or build the program. You can read more about it here: https://blog.devgenius.io/go-build-vs-go-run-baa3da9715cc
Change your working directory to Nova-chat project directory:
cd Nova-chat
To run the program with default parameters, use the following command:
go run .
To build and run the program, output to novachat:
go build -o novachat
To show parameters:
go run . -h
To run the program with a custom nickname of Jason Bourne:
go run . -nick=JasonBourne
To run the program with a custom topic name of watermelonbananas:
go run . -topic=watermelonbananas
go run . -http
Novachat offers 2 user interfaces, one terminal-based and one web-based.
The web interface can be run using the following command:
go run . --webui
The terminal interface (default) can be run using the following command:
go run .