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NIRISS/WFSS Simulations


Code to simulate NIRISS/WFSS data. As of 2018, all scripts are in a state of active development and simulations may vary as a result. Maintained by the NIRISS branch.


Very specific versions of the following required packages and their dependencies are needed in order for the simulation code to run:

To ensure package compatibility, one solution is to create a separate conda environment for simulation work:

source deactivate
conda env create -f jwstsim_env.yaml -n jwstsim
source activate jwstsim

There is a known issue with pysiaf that can occur and gives the following error:

ImportError [...] Library not loaded: libxml2.2.dylib Reason: Incompatible library version: etree.[...] requires version 12.0.0 or later, but libxml2.2.dylib provides version 10.0.0

A stop-gap solution is to uninstall pysiaf and lxml and reinstall pysiaf with pip:

pip uninstall pysiaf
pip uninstall lxml
pip install pysiaf