This action manages connection, upload and execution of a test suite using a GitHub-hosted Runner. It connects to the Arm Virtual Hardware Service on AWS that is provided by an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) and executes on a AWS EC2 Linux instance.
This VHT-AMI GitHub Actions uses VHT python module. More info:
The AWS Credentials must be present for this actions to be able to work. The following environment variables must be present:
The vht.yml describes the inventory of your test suite folder.
You can now consume the action by referencing the v2 branch.
uses: Arm-Software/VHT-AMI@v2
# EC2 Instance ID.
# For example: i-0c31222f3fdc44341
# Optional. If not present, the action will create a new VHT EC2 into your AWS account
# Default: ''
ec2_instance_id: ''
# EC2 Instance Type that will be assign to-be-created EC2 Instance.
# For example: t2.micro
# Mandatory if field `ec2_instance_id` is NOT present.
# Default: t2.micro
ec2_instance_type: ''
# EC2 Security Group that will be assign a to-be-created EC2 Instance
# For example: sg-00389e13a7847fb1a
# Mandatory if field `ec2_instance_id` is NOT present.
# Default: ''
ec2_security_group_id: ''
# IAM Profile to be assigned a to-be-created EC2 Instance.
# It provides permission to the EC2 instances to store objects on S3 buckets, etc.
# For example: Proj-s3-orta-vht-role
# Mandatory if field `ec2_instance_id` is NOT present.
# Default: ''
iam_profile: ''
# S3 Bucket Name. It will be used to store VHT files and logs
# For example: s3_dummy_name
# Mandatory field.
# Default: ''
s3_bucket_name: ''
# SSH Key Name. It can be used for debugging issues.
# How to create a SSH Key Pair
# For example: my_ssh_key.
# Default: ''
ssh_key_name: ''
# Subnet ID that will be assign a to-be-created EC2 Instance
# For example: subnet-0765dcb2f43c32e51
# Mandatory if field `ec2_instance_id` is NOT present
# Default: ''
subnet_id: ''
# Terminate EC2 Instance when the build is finished
# Optional option
# Default: 'false'
terminate_ec2_instance: ''
# VHT AMI Version to be used. This field is overwritten if `vht_ami_id` field is present.
# For example: '1.1.0'
# Mandatory if `vht_ami_id` is NOT present
# Default: '1.1.0'
vht_ami_version: ''
# VHT AMI ID when the EC2 instance has been created. This fields overwrites vht_ami_version.
# For example: i-0fb318d8718119db9
# Optional field
# Default: ''
vht_ami_id: ''
# VHT folder which will be packed and send to the AWS
# For example: ./basic/
# Mandatory field
# Default: ''
vht_in: ''