Flutter Plugin to communicate with android native code and an appblocker application (Abstainify). Supports location/wifi/timing based blocking, ability to block websites, apps and partial application blocker (YT Shorts).
- flutter pub get at root directory, cd /example and do flutter pub get.
- Setup at android studio: (https://docs.flutter.dev/packages-and-plugins/developing-packages)
- Launch Android Studio.
- Select Open an existing Android Studio Project in the Welcome to Android Studio dialog, or select File > Open from the menu, and select the hello/example/android/build.gradle file.
- In the Gradle Sync dialog, select OK.
- In the Android Gradle Plugin Update dialog, select Don't remind me again for this project.
- Use an emulator above API 29 (might work for below, havent tested below)
- from /example, run flutter run.