ATM-Simulator is a computer-based program replicating the basic functionality of an ATM.
For Windows Setup
Download the ATM-Simulator.exe
For Linux Users
Run make && make clean
to compile the source code.
The executable will be in the bin folder.
- Exit
- Exit the program.
- Log in
- To log in you should have a unique bank ID, if the bank ID is invalid you will be asked again until you provide an existing bank ID or enter Q or Q.
- Register
- [Bank-ID] To register you should provide a unique ID if the ID already exists you will get redirected back to the main menu.
- [PIN] The PIN must be between to 4-20 length
User Menu
1: Deposit The user has the option to cancel the transaction.
2: Withdrawal The user has the option to cancel the transaction and is not allowed to withdraw more money than they already have.
3: Transfer Transfer money from the current account to another if it exists. If the user enters the current account as an option, it informs them and rejects the transaction.
4: Last transactions Prints the last 5 transactions (if any), and if there are no transactions, it notifies the user.
5: Account information Prints the user's balance and their name.
6: Change password The user has the option to cancel the change.
7: Exit Returns to the initial menu.