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25 sponsored developers and organizations loaded.
Hello 🐈 I'm a software developer working in Tokyo, Japan. I am creating a streaming library called HaishinKit.
My open source project is libtorrent, a C++ library implementing a bittorrent client. I've contributed to advancing the BitTorrent protocol through my library, BEPs, and working on uTorrent at BitTorrent Inc.
Our mission is to promote software literacy within the visual arts, and visual literacy within technology-related fields — and to make these fields accessible to diverse communities.
A Berlin-based software studio that builds open-source software for web developers.
We help organizations to assess, monitor and reduce the environmental impacts of their ICT services. Tools we develop, data we gather and methodologies we build, end up publicly accessible and under free/libre licences whenether possible.
Creator of open source tools terraspace, jets, lono, ufo, kubes, cody. Would like your support for these tools to be able to improve on them.
ZenStack simplifies JS/TS-based full-stack development by allowing you to model data and access policies declaratively and use the schema to generate services and hooks. Sponsor to support its open-source work!


Hiya, I'm V! I love reverse engineering and modding, especially Discord and anything to do with Android
Dapper offers simple data access in .NET and is intended for people who want control over their SQL
Je suis un développeur qui développe des choses parfois inutile ou utile. Souvent je réinvente la roue pour le fun. Je suis Responsable Communication chez Papillon !
Comprehensive 2D raster/vector graphics editor for artists, designers, and photographers with a unique node-based, non-destructive workflow.
I am Daniel Estévez, interested in everything having to do with RF, space and amateur radio (callsign EA4GPZ / M0HXM). I develop [gr-satellites]( and [blog]( about many experiments.
Pyjamas Conf is an annual 24-hour online conference that aims to reach out to all Python communities around the world. See our website at
I'm Ryan, the creator of a community that aims to provide free and accessible open source tools for people from all over the world. My goal is to make a positive impact on the world through equitable technology.
passionate software craftsman since childhood. open to studying new things. excellent to read code, so likes to contribute to open source projects.
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