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25 sponsored developers and organizations loaded.
Passionate about development for more than 25 years (first lines on my Commodore 128 ^^), I made it my job (from junior dev to CTO) If you use my open-source tools professionnally, it's nice to support me :)
Full stack developer, a code crafter, from Brazil. Buy me a tea to if you liked one of my open source projects.
Author of QOwnNotes, the plain-text file markdown note taking desktop application with Nextcloud / ownCloud.
Mario is a computer science student form Germany who is very passionate about making games. If you like what he does (which I think you'll do), consider supporting his work!
I am IT security professional working in the e-commerce industry. I ❤️ writing / tinkering with code in my free time and have a strong interest in open source software development.
📺 A discord bot that monitors your game server and tracks the live data of your game servers.
I love working on new blog posts, all those projects, and sharing my knowledge as much as I can. For years I have been benefiting from other people's work, so now I'm trying to give back.
Free software enthusiast, maintainer of Lexica, Super Retro Mega Wars, Baby Dots, Baby Phone, Baby Book, and Beat Feet.
Hey, I'm Dénes and I'm developing Ergogen, a declarative generator for custom ergonomic keyboards. With GitHub sponsorship, I could afford fewer external commitments and devote more of my time and energy to open source.
Open Native is the long overdue Rosetta Stone that allows native modules to be used cross-ecosystem. It handles all the necessary autolinking, type marshalling and API-binding to allow you to choose the highest quality native module for your project,
Creator of the Flask framework, Jinja template engine, Lektor CMS, Insta snapshot testing tool and more. These days I dedicate most of my work to @getsentry, but I maintain a range of Rust libraries and always create more Open Source work.
My name is Kai and I'm from Germany & Student @ KIT - I'm a platforms engineer at heart and have spent years enabling others to built software big and small. Most of my work is totally free and open source, so please do consider supporting me!


Open-source developers focused primarily on the IBM i space. Creating tools, Visual Studio Code extensions, and speaking at conferences to expand the use of OSS in the industry.
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