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Just a toolkit I wrote to help my dev.

Contain 2 command: coder and bootvm

Build Status NPM version

Command bootvm:

A command to connect to VirtualBox or remote SSH host.

Local SSH config hard code to bootvm, change it by yourself


is config file for bootvm, only if it exists this command can be run. file format like this:

hostname                username        password    port    AuthKeyFilePath          ubuntu          *           22      ~/Documents/Keys/Alxw

this command try to connect via password default, place * to use AuthKeyFile

Command coder:

A command to cerate project, react component or config files.

You can run coder -h to see help

Config files:

Need some dependencies, you can run this to get all (I think you use macOS):

For coc.nvim

  1. Install extensions :CocInstall coc-vimlsp coc-css coc-json coc-html coc-clangd coc-tsserver coc-pyright coc-rust-analyzer coc-clangd coc-phpls coc-java coc-tslint-plugin in vim
  1. Config :CocConfig
  "tsserver.implicitProjectConfig.experimentalDecorators": true,
  "clangd.path": "/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin/clangd",
  "clangd.arguments": ["--background-index=false"],
  "javascript.suggestionActions.enabled": false,
  "suggest.fixInsertedWord": false,
  "suggest.noselect": true

Components required:

# For reattach-to-user-namespace
brew install reattach-to-user-namespace
# For ack.vim
brew install ripgrep
# For python
brew install python
# For cmake
brew install cmake
# For ctags
brew install ctags
# For tmux
brew install tmux
# For jsctags
npm install -g git+
# For tpm
mkdir -p ~/.tmux && git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
# For vim-plug
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs
# For vim colorscheme
mkdir -p ~/.vim/colors && curl -o ~/.vim/colors/monokai_pro.vim


Use coc.nvim, remove ycm, use airline instead of powerline

Change vim plugin manager from vundle to vim-plug

Add Coc plugin, only use Ycm in c-family files

Add tmux plugins manager

Update vimrc & tmux

Update vimrc

Update webpack and plugins, coloscheme

Update vimrc colorscheme

Update vimrc with jsctags support

Change babel-preset-latest to babel-preset-env

Add loading :