This program will run and send whatsapp messages from excel sheet devs.xslx and read all the names and phone numbers and email and send a custom message to each row in that excel file to the corresponding whatsapp phone number on that sheet
- must best logged in on your whatsapp web on the default browser
- update the message if you wish
- update the excel files with valid phone numbers at least, update names or emails if you wish
- Must have python 3.9 installed
- Must have pip installed
- Navigate to the project folder from command line
cd path/to/project/folder
- Install all the required packages (run for the first time only)
pip install -r requirements.txt
- run the script
- handle errors in case something went bad and repeat sending the message to that number in case not sent, then from excel mark as done in a column
- only send messages to names which doesn't have a column marked as done
- format texts:
- names to be caplitalized
- emails to be lower letter
- phone with '+' sign if not existed
wh = pyautogui.size()