MalwareBazaar scale for Countercept Snake
This scale can be installed in two way, pip or by cloning the respository and pointing Snake to it.
Once installed Snake and the Celery workers must be restarted.
Note: Any missing dependencies will be reported in Snake's log!
# 1. Install the scale snake
snake install git+
# 2. Install system dependencies
# If any, these will be reported in the Snake log, or usually listed in the `check` functions within components
A scale can be installed using pip as follows:
# 1. Install the scale with pip
pip install git+
# 2. Install system dependencies
# If any, these will be reported in the Snake log, or usually listed in the `check` functions within components
All the scales from a repository can easily be added to Snake, just by cloning and pointing.
# 1. Clone the repository to the desired location
git clone <SCALE_DIR>
# 2. Add directory to snake.conf
snake_scale_dirs: [ '<SCALE_DIR>' ]
# 3. Install python requirements
# If any, either look through the files or look at the Snake log.
# 4. Install system dependencies
# If any, these will be reported in the Snake log, or usually listed in the `check` functions within components