Ever wished the changelist worked across all open buffers, and had a persistent cache? Now it does!
- Tracks edits across all open buffers
- Persistent cache between sessions
- Visible extmark indicator of past edit locations
config = function()
local mre = require('mre')
max_history_per_file = 10,
max_history = 100,
virt_text = "-",
-- whether to remove marks only on the same line as another
dedupe_line = true,
-- whether to remove marks only on the same line and column as another
dedupe_column = false,
-- print out some useful information when using the plugin
verbose = true,
-- debug information you probably won't need
debug = false,
vim.keymap.set('n', '<tab>', mre.jump_prev, {})
vim.keymap.set('n', '<s-tab>', mre.jump_next, {})
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('MREClear', mre.clear, {})
- Separate cache with a cache function (by directory, git branch, etc)
- Actual documentation
- More config options
- More virt_text options
- Special highlight groups for older entries
- Telescope/fzf integration
- Branching edit states/tree-like structures?
is based on the work in before.nvim. I always wanted a plugin
like this but wasn't quite sure how to implement it before.