A high-performance JavaScript toolchain built from the ground up. Work in progress!
- Faster than (or very close to) existing tools.
- Low memory footprint.
- Support JS, JSX, TypeScript, and CSS out of the box.
- Support data flow analysis and call-graphs with an accessible API.
- API for writing linting rules in Zig.
- Expose a capable parsing and scope resolution, such that a bundler, minifier, etc., can be built on top of it.
- Custom JavaScript plugins.
- Phase 1:
- A fast, 100% Spec compliant JavaScript parser.
- Port ESLint scope to Zig
- JSX support (Under construction)
- TypeScript support in the parser.
- Runtime for a linter, with Zig plugin support.
- Formatter with a language agnostic backend.
- Alpha release
- Simple linter with all the base rules from ESLint.
- A prototype of a formatter
- Beta release
- Data flow analysis and taint checking
I've tried to keep the development process hassle-free. You need only a Zig compiler (and optionally an environment variable) to get going.
If you still face any issues, feel free to open an issue
or reach out to me on discord (@injuly.
), twitter (@ptrCast
), or e-mail (srijan@injuly.in
I usually respond within a day.
NOTE: If you're willing to contribute, It's a good idea to copy the contents of ./pre-commit to your
. This will ensure you didn't break any existing functionality before letting you commit changes.
- Ensure you have a
build of the zig compiler – to seamlessly switch between multiple zig versions, I recommend using zvm. - Clone this project into your development machine.
- Run
zig build run -- <path-to-file.js>
to see a parsed AST for the given file. - Run
zig build test
to run the unit tests.
To avoid regressions and keep track of spec compliance, we use a results.json
the format for which is further explained in the tests262 runner's README.
You'll need to set the JAM_TESTS_262_DIR
environment variable to the path of a cloned tc39/test262-parser-tests repository:
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/tc39/test262-parser-tests.git /tmp/test262-parser-tests
# `tools/ec262-tests` can find the tests if you set the environment variable.
export JAM_TESTS_262_DIR=/tmp/test262-parser-tests
To compare your changes with the existing test results, run zig build test262 -- compare ./tools/results.json
If it exits with a zero status code, you didn't break anything!
To update the test results, run zig build test262 > ./tools/results.json
Currently, the format of the results.json
file is roughly as follows:
// % of test files that either: a) parsed incorrectly, or b) failed to parse.
"fail_percent": 35.703479576399396,
// % of test files that were parsed correctly.
"pass_percent": 64.2965204236006,
// number of test files that parsed but had an incorrect syntax tree.
"unmatching_ast_count": 17,
// results for individual test cases:
"test_cases": {
"2db5219f0ac5dd71.js": "parse_error",
"c532e126a986c1d4.js": "pass",
"d532e126a986c1d4.js": "ast_no_match",
// ...goes on for a few thousand lines...