Zoren is a decentralized platform built on the Solana blockchain that enables users to streamline money transfers through easily accessible QR codes. It also allows the creation of 'Parties,' which enable splitting a single payment among different users.
- Social Media
- Deck
- Pich
- Built with
- Screenshots
- Project Status
- Development Workflow
- Features
- Authors
- See our Demo
- Project Structure
This platform is now working at Zoren.site
- Next.js - Next.js is a framework that allows developers to create single-page applications and high-performance web applications through server-side rendering.
- Web3.js - Web3.js is a collection of libraries that allow you to interact with a local or remote ethereum node using HTTP, IPC or WebSocket.
- Tailwind - Tailwind is a CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) framework with predefined classes that you can use to build and design web pages directly in your markup. It allows you to write CSS in your HTML in the form of predefined classes.
- Sanity.io - Sanity is the platform for structured content that powers remarkable digital experiences.
- Create Next.js app - The easiest way to get started with Next.js is by using create-next-app. This CLI tool enables you to quickly start building a new Next.js application, with everything set up for you.
This project is currently under active development and updates are made on a regular basis.
We follow a GitFlow workflow for development. Contributions are made in feature branches and merged into the main branch after a review.
Feature | Description |
QR Code Generation | Allows users to generate QR codes for facilitating quick Solana transfers. |
Balance Display | Shows the current balance in the user's account. |
Transaction History | Records and displays a history of transactions made using the application. |
Shared Payments | Enables users to split payments among multiple users by generating "Party's." |
Network Configuration | Allow on Testnet network. |
Wallet Support | Compatible with multiple Solana wallets for easy fund management. |
Security | Implements security measures such as data encryption and user authentication. |
- @srteerra - Angel Lopez
- @Guapura89 - Carlos Sanchez
- @jonocrod12 - Jonathan Ocampo
Here is what you need to run Zoren locally:
- A Web Browser such Firefox or Google Chrome.
- Phantom extension.
- Node.js ^ 16.0.0
mkdir Zoren
cd Zoren/
git clone https://github.com/srteerra/Zoren.git
cd Zoren
npm install
Execute the following command:
npm run dev
It may take a few minutes to set up the application, so stay calm!
$ Zoren Tree
├── .next:
│ ├── cache/: # Next.js cache files
│ ├── server/: # Server-related files
│ ├── static/: # Static files
│ ├── build-manifest.json # Build manifest for fallback
│ ├── fallback-build-manifest.json
│ ├── package.json # Package configuration
│ ├── react-loadable-manifest.json
│ └── trace # Trace file
├── .vscode/:
│ └── settings.json # VS Code configuration
├── lib/:
│ └── sanitClient.js # Sanitization client file
├── node_modules/: # Folder for all project modules.
├── public/:
│ │ ├── icons/
│ │ ├── images/
│ │ ├── locales/
│ │ ├── logos/
│ │ ├── favicon.ico
│ │ ├── next.svg
│ │ └── vercel.svg
├── src/: # Folder for development content.
│ ├── components/: # Reusable React components
│ ├── actions/:
│ │ ├── ActionBills.jsx # Actions related to bills
│ │ └── ActionDash.jsx # Actions related to the dashboard
│ ├──billFuntions/:
│ │ ├──deleteModal.jsx # Modal for deleting bills
│ │ └──setBillModal.jsx # Modal for setting up bills
│ ├── transactions/:
│ │ └── TransactionsQRModal.jsx # QR transactions modal
│ │ # Other components and files
│ ├── Billtem.jsx
│ ├── CollectionItem.jsx
│ ├── DarkMode.jsx
│ ├── EditProfileModal.jsx
│ ├── Footer.jsx
│ ├── LoginNav.jsx
│ ├── Modal.jsx
│ ├── Nav.jsx
│ ├── Profile.jsx
│ ├── RecentBill.jsx
│ ├── RecentTransactions.jsx
│ ├── Region.jsx
│ └── Sidebar.jsx
├── containers/:
│ └── Collections.jsx # Collections component
├── context/:
│ ├── AppContext.jsx # Application context
│ └── WalletConectioProvider.js # Wallet connection provider
├── hooks/
│ ├── useGetCollection.js # Hook for getting collections
│ ├── useInitialState.js # Hook for initial state
│ └── useZoren.js # Hook related to Zoren
├── pages/
│ ├── api/ # API routes
│ ├── bills/
│ ├── dashboard/ # Pages related to the dashboard
│ ├── friends/ # Pages related to friends management
│ ├── app.js # Application file
│ ├── _document.js
│ ├── index.js # Home page
│ └── layout.js # Layout file
├── styles/
│ └── globals.css # Global stylesheet file
├── utils/
│ └── string.js # String manipulation functions
├── firebase.js # Firebase configuration
├── studio/
│ ├── schemas/ # Studio schemas
│ │ ├── index.js # Schema index
│ │ └── users.js # User schema
│ └── static/
│ └── .gitkeep # Placeholder to keep the directory in version control
├── .eslintrc.json # ESLint configuration
├── .gitignore # Git ignore configuration file
├── jsconfig.json
├── next-i18next.config.js
├── next.config.js # Next.js configuration
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── postcss.config.js # PostCSS configuration
├── README.md: # Main project documentation
└── tailwind.config.js # Tailwind CSS configuration