In this project, I applied Deep Convolutional GANs (DCGAN) to generate new human face images. CelebA dataset was used as our training input, and below shows some example pictures in CelebA.
CelebA examples
- Discriminator: 5-layer CNN with batch normalization layer in between.
- Generator: 4-layer CNN with batch normalization layer in between and tanh as active function.
- Batch Size: 64
- Epoch: 20
- Learning Rate (Discriminator): using Adam with lr = 0.0005 and [beta1, beta2] = [0.5, 0.999]
- Learning Rate (Generator): using Adam with lr = 0.0004 and [beta1, beta2] = [0.5, 0.999]
- Generated Image Size: 32 x 32
- Length of latent vector z: 100
- Number of Filters in Discriminator's first hidden layer: 32
- Number of Filters in Generator's first hidden layer: 32
New human images generated by the trained model