The SPI flasher cape is a cape for the BeagleBone family of boards which allows the BeagleBone to interface with a SPI NOR flash chip in order to allow programming or reading the chip's contents.
The total bill-of-materials (COM) cost is under $10 US, including the PCB.
The independent voltage regulator (VR) supplies the power for the operation of the SPI chip, and is independent of te BeagleBone's internal voltage rails. This protects the BeagleBone from brown-outs inc case of an external short-circuits. Since it is a switching regulator, the VR dissipates very little power when compared to more common linear regulators.
The SPI buffer IC protects the internal pins of the BeagleBone from ESD and short-circuits. The buffer IC is powered from the independent VR, and prevents excessive currents from being sourced by the BeagleBone's processor in case of short-circuits.
The buffer IC is driven by the CS signal of the SPI interface, which means that the outputs are high-impedance when no SPI communication is taking place. As a result, the SPI chip does not have to be disconnected when the target system is powered on. Also, since the buffer is enabled by the CS signal, there is no extra software configuration that needs to be done before enabling the signal path to the SPI chip, as there is on other solutions (e.g. Gogole servo board). It's all automatic!
The integrated EEPROM informs the BeagleBone what pins are used by the cape, so the cape is automatically detected, and the interfaces pins are automatically configured.
The external pin headers match the pinout of 8-pin and 16-pin SPI flash parts so that programming clips (e.g. Pomona SOIC-8) may be directly connected to the cape.
The integrated pull-up resistors ensure that the HOLD and WP lines of the SPI chip are driven appropriately. This allows "naked" chips to be programmed. For mounted SPI chips, the pull-ups prevent short-circuits if another component on the target system drives these signals low.
This folder contains the KiCad schematic and board files
- beagleflash-cache.lib: project-specific chematic symbol library
- beagleflash.kicad_pcb: KiCad (pcbnew) PCB design file
- Netlist file with footprint associactions
- KiCad project file
- beagleflash.sch: KiCad (eeschema) schematic
- beagleflash-B.Cu.gbl: Bottom copper layer
- beagleflash-B.Mask.gbs: Bottom soldermask layer
- beagleflash-B.SilkS.gbo: Bottom silkscreen layer
- beagleflash-Edge.Cuts.gm1: Board outline
- beagleflash-F.Cu.gtl: Top copper layer
- beagleflash-F.Mask.gts: Top soldermask layer
- beagleflash-F.SilkS.gto: Top silkscreen layer
- beagleflash.txt: Drill file
3D renderings of the PCB.