🤵 Week 1
- Login/Logout
- List users
- Add user
- Edit user
- Disable user account
- Update last login
- User timezone support
- Edit profile (including URL to avatar)
- Edit preferences
💼 Week 2
- Create projects
- List projects
- List projects' lists
- List projects' members
- Show project details
- Edit project
💼 Week 3
- Create project's lists
- Move project's lists
- Delete project lists
- Manage project's users
- Archive/Close project
- List closed projects
- Join projects
✅ Week 4
- Create task
- List tasks (list view)
- List tasks (project view)
- Do not delete non-empty project lists
- Filter tasks by project and list
- Filter tasks by status
- Filter tasks by user(s)
- View task
- Edit task
- Assign task
- Join/Leave task
- Comment task
- Add time spent
📆 Week 5
- Calendar view
- Kanban view
- Attachments 📎
- Upload user thumbnail (80x80, square image)
💌 Week 6
- Email system
- Remember password
- Send notifications to new users
- Send notifications when changing email
- Send instant notifications (when watching?)
- Send daily notifications
🏆 Wheek 7
- Docker image
- Launch MVP
🔒 Week 7
- OKTA login
- Outlook connection
- Sync calendar
- Truly delete accounts (if no data associated)
- Re-enable disabled accounts