This is an implementation of the vector commitment scheme that is described in Section 5 of the paper Edrax: A Cryptocurrency with Stateless Transaction Validation by Alexander Chepurnoy (Ergo Platform and IOHK), Charalampos Papamanthou (University of Maryland) and Yupeng Zhang (UC Berkeley). The impelmented vector commitment scheme allows one to (i) represent a vector of 2^l elements with a succinct digest; (b) compute individual proofs for all vector elements; (c) update the digest directly and in constant time whenever a vector element changes; (d) update individual proofs directly and in logarithmic time whenever a vector element changes.
Yupeng Zhang (UC Berkeley). Please email comments and feedback to or
The implementation relies on the following libraries:
- ate-pairing for bilinear groups.
- xbyak, required by ate-pairing
- gmp for big numbers.
$ sudo apt-get install libgmp3-dev
- Cmake
The default cmake file assumes ate-pairing is located in the same directory.
To compile the code, run $ cmake .
, then $ make
To run the code, execute $ ./test [number]
, where 2^[number] specifies the size of the vector.
test.cpp runs key generation, stores the keys in files, initializes the vector to 0, performs 100 updates and verifies the updated proofs.