Distinctive features:
- Hide/Show status bar with Super + Space
Generic features:
- Palenight theme
- Custom Discord CSS
- Vivaldi themes
- In the first screenshot my website is shown!
- Handy aliases
Main programs used:
- AwesomeWM (Window Manager)
- Polybar (Status bar)
- Rofi (App launcher)
- Kitty (Terminal emulator)
- Starship (Custom shell prompt)
Minor programs:
- Dunst (Notification daemon)
- Feh (Wallpaper setter)
- Ly (TUI Display manager)
- There are no config files for it here, but check this out.
- Discocss (Inject custom CSS into Discord)
- LSD (Prettier ls)
- Nerdfetch (Fetch program)
GTK, Qt, Icons
- LXAppearance (Set GTK theme)
- Qt5ct (Set Qt theme)
- qt5-styleplugins (Uniform look between GTK and Qt)
- Palenight theme from the GTK Theme Framework
- palenight-gtk-theme in the AUR
- Papirus icons
Make sure you install Fira Code Nerd Fonts. On Arch you can use the AUR: yay -S nerd-fonts-fira-code
To choose a wallpaper, edit .config/awesome/theme.lua
setting the path for your image in the theme.wallpaper
Alternatively, edit .scripts/.fehbg
to choose the path, then tell Awesome to execute that script by uncommenting the related line (just search for "feh" in the .config/awesome/rc.lua
If you want to straight up copy all the dotfiles (never recommended).
- Make sure you installed all the programs listed above as well as
(but you do already have it, right?). - Install GNU Stow with your package manager (e.g.:
pacman -S stow
). - Clone the repo into
.git clone https://git.tste.dev/dotfiles ~/.dotfiles
- Or update if you've already cloned it.
cd ~/.dotfiles && git pull
- Stow will automagically symlink all the files in the correct directories.
cd ~/.dotfiles # Important or you'll make a mess stow .
- To better understand what's happening, check this video out.
- If you get any errors saying files already exist, remove them or, even better, rename them to have a backup.
mv ~/.bashrc ~/.bashrc.bak
- Done!
All the configuration files which are in use and have DistroTube's logo in them are modified versions of the originals, but are not copies.
Give a look at DT's dotfiles.