A bunch of scripts for analyzing a work log that is created with jrnl.
Toochwaerg is published under the MIT license.
Clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:stefanbirkner/toochwaerg.git
You need to have a JDK (at least JDK 10) installed. Also you need to have jrnl installed.
Execute the script
javac WorkingHours.java; \
jrnl -from year \
| java -cp . WorkingHours
You get an output like this
2017-08-18 07:59
2017-08-19 04:40 no pause
2017-08-20 08:38
2017-08-21 08:35
Each line contains the date and the amount of time you spent. Days without an entry that contain neither the word "lunch" nor the word "pause" have a marker "no pause" at the end of the line. This should help you to find days where you missed to add your pause to the log.
Execute the script
javac WorkingHours.java MissingHours.java; \
jrnl -from year \
| java -cp . WorkingHours \
| java -cp . MissingHours
You get an output like this
The script implies a working day of 7 hours. It considers each day with data as a working day except for Saturday and Sunday. This makes it easy to handle sick days and holidays because they are simply ignored by the calculator.