Simple Twitch IRC bot to control a NeoPixel strip with commands.
Setup assumes GPIO pin 12 will be used, and that your strip is 60 pixels (use if you need to change number of leds or gpio pin). LED GND must be brought to the Pi's GND pin to avoid garbage data.
Twitch bot code came from here:
Neopixel code came from here:
If you run into this error when trying to run the bot:
ImportError: No module named _rpi_ws281x
Do this:
sudo pip install rpi_ws281x needs to be edited as follows:
HOST = "" # This is Twitchs IRC server
PORT = 6667 # Twitchs IRC server listens on port 6767
NICK = "twitch_username" # Twitch username your using for your bot
PASS = "your_oauthtoken" # your Twitch OAuth token
CHAN = "#your_channel" # the channel you want the bot to join.
NICK is the twitch username the bot would be using (all letters in lowercase).
PASS is the oauth token for the twitch account the bot would be using. Sign into a web browser with the bot's account,
and go here: you need the whole oauth including the "oauth:"
CHAN is the Twitch streamer account you want the bot to read and respond to (again, all letters in lowercase).
To run the bot:
sudo python3
To run the bot as a service, and set it to start automatically at boot:
Create a new file for the service:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/twitchbot.service
Copy /Paste this code chunk into it:
Description=twitch bot
ExecStart=python3 /home/pi/twitchpixelpi/
Ctrl+O to write out the file (save) then Ctrl+X to exit nano.
To start the service:
sudo service twitchbot start
To stop the service:
sudo service twitchbot stop
To make the service start at boot:
sudo systemctl enable twitchbot