This gradle plugin packages a library source for the Jenkins Templating Engine into a Jenkins Plugin.
This plugin relies on the Gradle JPI Plugin to do a lot of the heavy lifting. As such, you'll need to configure both a jte{}
block and a jenkinsPlugin{}
// the directory where the libraries are located
// default value: a directory called libraries
baseDirectory = file("libraries")
// the identifier for this plugin when configuring its use
// via Job DSL or JCasC. If left empty, no `@Symbol` will
// be configured.
// default value: null
pluginSymbol = "myCustomSymbol"
// the directory where this plugin will place the generated
// Jenkins Plugin's source code. This should only be used
// for testing and debugging. The default behavior is to
// create a temporary directory.
// default value: null
pluginGenerationDirectory = file("${project.buildDir}/generated-plugin")
// the minimum version of JTE the generated plugin requires
// must be greater than version 2.0
jteVersion = '2.0'
// for a full list of configuration options, check out the
// gradle-jpi-plugin repository.
// version of Jenkins core this plugin depends on, must be 1.420 or later
jenkinsVersion = '1.420'
// ID of the plugin, defaults to the project name without trailing '-plugin'
shortName = 'hello-world'
// human-readable name of plugin
// JTE note: this will be what populates the drop down for selecting
// this plugin as a library source.
displayName = 'Hello World plugin built with Gradle'