A Ruby wrapper for various url shortener services
create a dependency in your Gemfile
gem 'shortly'
then run
bundle install
and shortly will be up and running. or gem install shortly
Currently Shortly supports three services (Bit.ly, Goo.gl, is.gd, tinyurl) Please do cross check by running Shortly.active_services. All supported methods have been provided for all services, so you can expect at least one method(shorten) will be available for every service.
bitly = Shortly::Clients::Bitly
bitly.shorten('http://justatest.com', {:apiKey => 'R_your_api_key', :login => 'your_login'})
Optionally you can set apiKey and login beforehand (it would be more DRY i think if you only gonna use bitly services).
bitly = Shortly::Clients::Bitly
bitly.apiKey = 'your_api_key'
bitly.login = 'your_login'
googl = Shortly::Clients::Googl
Lggd (Credit ‘Steve Price (steveprice67)’. See Credits section)
lggd = Shortly::Clients::Lggd
lggd.apiKey = '<api-key>'
isgd = Shortly::Clients::Isgd
vgd = Shortly::Clients::Vgd
tinyurl = Shortly::Clients::Tinyurl
Shortly also provides command line utility. See some uses below.
shortly 'http://shortme.com/'
By default it uses Googl to short urls but you can specify which service to use. Type shortly -h
for more info
shortly 'http://shortme.com/' -s bitly -l '<your-login>' -p '<your-apiKey>' -m method-to-use
here are options and there possible values:
Options | What value do they take |
-s or —service | Service to use(e.g. bitly, isgd(default googl)) |
-m or —method | Method to use(e.g. expand or shorten or analytics(default shorten)) |
-l or —login | Login credential(required for bitly) |
-p or —apiKey | API Key credentials (for bitly and googl(optional) only) |
- Google analytics
shortly 'http://averylong.url/that/can/frustate?you=many×=true' -p my_api_key -m analytics
spits formatted json at CLI
- Bitly
shortly 'http://bit.ly/shrt -s bitly -p my_api_key -l my_login -m expand
- Steve Price (For implementing Lggd service support)
For detailed info visit my blog http://BagwanPankaj.com
For more info write me at bagwanpankaj[at]gmail.com or me[at]bagwanpankaj.com
Copyright © 2010 Bagwan Pankaj: http://bagwanpankaj.com, released under the MIT license
- Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn’t been implemented or the bug hasn’t been fixed yet
- Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn’t requested it and/or contributed it
- Fork the project
- Start a feature/bugfix branch
- Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
- Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
Copyright © 2010 [Bagwan Pankaj]. See LICENSE.txt for further details.