A simple game engine on the Raspberry Pi using OpenGL ES and C.
It turns out that X isn't required to draw 3D graphics to the framebuffer, and keyboard and mouse controls can be implemented at the console. In the interest of raw performance this seems like a nice approach. It remains to be seen whether or not there are compatiblity problems with other mice and keyboards.
This project should be updated to use OpenGL ES 2.0 and buffer objects. Drawing voxels without using VBO is very limiting.
There's a good tutorial on creating voxel based worlds similar to Minecraft called Glescraft but it starts with C and then adopts C++. Kazmath might be useful. It could be interesting to use Go.
This project compiles and runs with an earlier version of Arch Linux ARM. It's likely that this needs to be updated, and the current version of the Raspberry Pi GL examples should be helpful.
Unavailable functions:
- glPushMatrix
- glTranslatef
- glPopMatrix
- glEnableClientState
- glVertexPointer
- glTexCoordPointer
- glMatrixMode
- glLoadIdentity
- glFrustumf
- glMultMatrixf
Unavailable constants: