This is an application that is used for learning about several languages and having them interact with each other.
- Angular (version 7)
- PHP (version 7.3)
- Laravel (version 5.8)
- Ruby On Rails (version 5.2)
- Ruby (version 2.6)
- Nodejs (version 10.15)
- Go (version ???)
- Google Firebase (Authentication and Authorization)
- MySQL database
- MongoDB
- Redis
- Docker and docker-compose
The Posts Api will be written in PHP with the Laravel Framework, it will use MySQL as a storage server and redis for caching.
The User Web will be written in Angular and authenticate users with the Google Firebase authentication system.
Users will be able to sign up and sign in from this site.
docker-compose build --force-rm --no-cache user-web
docker-compose build --force-rm --no-cache posts-api
docker-compose exec posts-api php artisan migrate
docker-compose exec posts-api php artisan db:seed
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec user-web ng test --watch=false
Remove the --watch=false to test each time there are changes
docker-compose exec user-web ng e2e --port 4201
docker-compose exec posts-api ./vendor/bin/phpunit