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Frantic (MSX-2 game, made in 1992)

The Z80 (8-bit microprocessor) source code is provided here, as it was written in 1992 by André Ligthart from the MSX group ANMA, with only the following modifications:

Because only comments and assembler directives (like DB) have changed, the resulting binaries are identical to the original binaries (with a few exceptions).

You can see the game in action on this YouTube longplay. If you have build the game, you might need this cheats, because the game is not easy to play. You also might want to read how to play this game.



Step 1 - prepare your system

You need the Java Runtime Environment, because the Z80-assembler glass-0.5.jar depends on it. Git is preferred (but optional) to get the files. For example, with popular Linux distributions, you can prepare your system like this:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre
sudo apt install git

Step 2 - download the files

If you have git installed:

git clone

If you don't have git installed: download the .zip file of this repository (about 35MB) and unpack.

Step 3 - run the make script


cd frantic
chmod u+x make


cd frantic

A dsk directory will be created with all the game files (for MSX or emulator).

Running the game

This game can run within a MSX emulator or on a real MSX-2 (or higher). Insert the (virtual) floppy disk and type:


Running within an emulator

For example, you can use the openMSX emulator. This emulator can use a directory with files as if it were a floppy disk (DirAsDisk). This way, you can run the game straight from the generated files in the dsk directory.

Instead you can also create a frantic.dsk file (a 720kB virtual floppy disk file). In that case, you need a tool like Disk-Manager.

Running on a real MSX-2

You need a real MSX-2 (or higher) with a 720kB floppy disk drive. The MSX computer must have at least a 64kB RAM (memory mapper) and 128kB VRAM (which every common MSX-2 or higher will have).

You also need to copy the generated files to a physical 720kB (3.5 inch) floppy disk. This can be done with a tool like Disk-Manager, but you need to have a 3.5 inch floppy disk drive connected to your PC (internal or USB) in order to copy the files.


Instead of running the game by BLOAD"FRANTIC.LOD",R, you can create an AUTOEXEC.BAS that will load the game after the MSX (or emulator) is booted (with the game disk inserted). It will also check if your MSX-2 (or emulator) meets the minimum RAM/VRAM requirements, just like the AUTOEXEC.BAS of the original game. Type this using the MSX (or emulator) with the (virtual) game disk inserted:

10 ` FRANTIC v1 - (c)1992 ANMA
20 `
50 PRINT"Loading FRANTIC... "
70 CLS:PRINT"No 64 kB memory mapper.":END
80 PRINT"No 128 kB VRAM.":END


Modify / improve this game

This repository allows you to modify the Z80 logic in any way you like. Changing other content (Jobs, Music, Graphics) is also possible, but is somewhat less straightforward.

Modify logic / Z80 code

Just change any .asm file in the src directory and run the make script again.

Modify Job content

See more info in the jobs directory. Also look in this directory in case you want to create a modern job / stage editor for Frantic.

Modify music

See more info in the mus directory.

Modify graphics

See more info in the gfx directory.

Game files

The final files that make up the game:

Filename Type Comment
FRANTIC.LOD Z80 logic loads other files
FRANTIC1.BIN Z80 logic intro and story
FRANTIC2.BIN Z80 logic main game
FRANTIC3.BIN Z80 logic game ending
FRANTIC.REP Z80 logic replayer music/sound effects
FRANTIC1.JOB content Job 1
FRANTIC2.JOB content Job 2
FRANTIC3.JOB content Job 3
FRANTIC4.JOB content Job 4
FRANTIC5.JOB content Job 5
FRANTIC6.JOB content Job 6
FRANTIC1.GRP graphics intro and story (+ intro sprites)
FRANTIC2.GRP graphics intro and story
FRANTIC3.GRP graphics general game graphics (+ sprites)
FRANTIC4.GRP graphics Job 1
FRANTIC5.GRP graphics Job 2
FRANTIC6.GRP graphics Job 3
FRANTIC7.GRP graphics Job 4
FRANTIC8.GRP graphics Job 5
FRANTIC9.GRP graphics Job 6
FRANTICA.GRP graphics ending
FRANTIC1.MUS music talking Cramp, continue, job finished
FRANTIC2.MUS music intro / story
FRANTIC3.MUS music ending
FRANTIC4.MUS music Job 1
FRANTIC5.MUS music Job 1
FRANTIC6.MUS music Job 2
FRANTIC7.MUS music Job 2
FRANTIC8.MUS music Job 3
FRANTIC9.MUS music Job 3
FRANTICA.MUS music Job 4
FRANTICB.MUS music Job 4
FRANTICC.MUS music Job 5
FRANTICD.MUS music Job 5
FRANTICE.MUS music Job 6

The game has 6 Jobs (=stages). Each Job has its own graphics and also two songs, except for Job 6 which has one song.


Mozilla Public License 2.0, see the LICENSE file. Contact the owner of this repository (stompetower) if you are restricted by this license.


Thom Zwagers did most of the work for this repository, like reverse-engineering lost source code. He also made the source code suitable for the Glass cross-assembler. André Ligthart did the documentation and the comments in the replayer.asm file. ANMA (André Ligthart and Martijn Maatjens) made the original game. Grauw / Laurens Holst made the Glass cross-assembler used to build the Z80 logic.


This game was released in 1992. It was created using MSX hardware (mainly the Sony HB-F700P). The assembler used was GEN80.COM (version 2.04, HiSoft 1987). The text editor used was TED (version 2.6 by M.J. Vriend). The graphics editor used was Halos (from Sony). The music tracker used was ANMA's RED, which can be downloaded here. See more about history in the _extra directory.

Also info you might not expect...

Besides the source code (and the necessary game binaries), this repository includes much more you might not expect:


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